At work I see more and more people call their computers “labtops” instead of “laptops”. A Michael wave doesn’t surprise me.
We’ve been sharing this one
Dang, that labtop is so old it has a dialup modem built-in.
When I was a kid we had a Compaq Presario 9500 that came preinstalled with voicemail software that supported having multiple voicemail boxes with speech recognition (c. 1995).
I really thought that was going to be the future and wanted my parents to use it so bad at the time. 😅
It still might be, don’t give up hope!
My husband says pobcorn just to fuck with me, I hate it so bad but I can’t help laughing
Wot. That’s crazy. “Labtop” is harder to pronounce (minimally so but still) with voiced b immediately followed by voiceless t. Everything I know about linguistics (not that much, tbh) tells me that, if anything, a thing called “labtop” should over time evolve to be called “laptop”*, because it’s easier on the speaker with voiceless p and t.
^* … maybe even lappop…?^
Yeah it blew me away too. I had thought I’d heard a b sound a few times while talking to people but it wasn’t until someone sent in their device with a note attached that I realized it was a real thing. I’ve seen it a few more times since then (email, etc)
This means it’s time for you to change the next letter until you’ve made a completely different word.
I suggest changing the o to an a
Least tech informed Minnesotan.
Clearly something is pushing in the direction of voiced instead. The ultimate form is presumably “lambdop.”
It is interesting how some terms over time are mispronounced and spelled incorrectly. And those doing it have no clue as to the actual term and how it is spelled
Trying to politely correct everyone is like hurting cats.
Please don’t hurt the cats.
I only use my Erin Friar these days.
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I would suggest illiteracy, yet they were able to write the note. One ad for appliances, a trip through an appliance section in a store…heck, it’s probably spelled out on the actual microwave itself and would show someone how it’s spelled.
I’d suggest it’s deliberately misspelled for effect, but the number of people who keep wrecking basic words like “could of”, too/to, there/their/they’re despite there being plenty of correct examples to read in daily life is far too high for me to assume someone wouldn’t be ignorant, willfully or otherwise.
Michael wave is one of those terms I’ve started using just to see if people will notice or address that it’s wrong. Like asking someone to pass the Parmesan cheese but calling it the paramecium cheese/paracetamol cheese/Paris Olympian cheese/parenthetical cheese
You are the source of bone apple tea-isms
I tell people I need to use the mushroom. …50/50 recognition.
I need to use the mushroom
Is what a talking sled dog would say when in need of a pee break.
Made by Micheal Soft
Maker of Binblows?
No, that was my mom.
Edit: oh lol it’s a real thing
I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the truth behind Michaelsoft Binbows: :)
Love this video. Such devotion to Michaelsoft Binbows.
As a veteran dumper of useful stuff in the street, this is missing a magical word:
This is especially important during the age of CRT monitors since mischief-makers are glad to assume otherwise and smash the tube.
This magic word makes stuff disappear twice as fast.
Tried it with the dishes in my sink…they are still there am I doing it wrong?
I know we should all be used to it by now but it’s crazy to me that Daewoo makes everything from heavy equipment to container ships to cars to microwaves. Imagine having a refrigerator with a Chrysler badge on it.
Hitachi is another another. Hydraulic excavators, air conditioners, elevators, vibrators, and ultrasound machines (for when you trade the vibrator in for the real thing. Either way they have a product for you).
Philips makes everything from TVs to vital life or death monitoring equipment to barbeque grills.
Take a look at this badass black Peugeot !
As a kid, my family’s first VCR was a Daewoo. Imagine my surprise when we passed some road construction and I saw the Daewoo excavators and other heavy machinery. Later on, a girl in my highschool class had a Daewoo car. That one blew my mind even more for some reason.
edit: forgot a word
Or a gun.
Heee heeee ding !
“Dinner is ready”
Ok that’s a pretty cool design for a microwave tho
Yes, it looks so lickable
I have that microwave, my only complaint is that it’s a little small. The knob is much nicer than buttons
That’s because it was designed by Michael Wave.
Just a heads up “Dindu Nuffin” is something racists call black people on hate sites.
Wtf is wrong with those people… Don’t answer, not worth it
Chef Michael “Mike” Wave, pay him some respect…
I like listening to Michael-wave 😎🎶🪇
free microwave oven transformer? yes please
Can’t properly spell “microwave,” can properly spell “Michael?”
Probably full of tubberware