• Ranvier@sopuli.xyz
    9 months ago

    Sorry to post a serious comment on a shit post, but just in case this is bugging anyone:

    Turn the clock away from your bed. The anxiety from potentially not getting enough sleep can prevent you from falling asleep in a vicious cycle.

    Sometimes people can even be sleeping for quite a while without realizing they had been sleeping, then just look at the clock and be like, oh no I lied here for another hour with no sleep, and feel even worse, and now ironically be unable to fall back asleep. If it’s bad enough sometimes people can even get what’s called paradoxical insomnia. Where the person will insist they hadn’t been sleeping or barely slept, even if you had them in a sleep lab with video and eeg and you show them they’ve been sleeping for hours (they aren’t trying to lie or anything, it’s an issue with perception of sleep amount and the perceived low amount then causing symptoms and distress).

    Anyways, set that alarm, turn the clock away. Stop micro-calculating how much time until morning.

    Description of paradoxical insomnia from a patient point of view if anyone’s interested:
