I built my 3D printer a couple of months ago, but I can’t get it to print sharp corners. The corners in the picture should be 90°, without any fillets:

During this test print, I played with multiple parameters: speed, temperature, acceleration, junction deviation, linear advance. All of these were also individually tuned previously. Nothing seems to make a difference.

Could this be a issue with the construction of my printer? I’m beginning to think my hotend isn’t rigid enough, but then I would at least expect better results at low speeds.

Edit: the printer is a CoreXY of my own design running Marlin The Slicer is PrusaSlicer with most settings left as default (but increased speeds)

  • FuglyDuck@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    Huh. Maybe it’s just the perspective, it looked maybe closer to .6mm.

    Just to verify, you’ve checked that the printer extrudes .45mm of width when called? (Tuning extruder esteps and extrusion multiplier, and double checking filament diameter,)?

    As a sanity check, I’d compare the overall width of the part to what you were expecting.