• Bibliotectress@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Your comment is so kind! Thank you!!! And you’re right, I’ve never really thought about it like that, but it DOES feel like my femininity is attacked! It’s easy to wave off the incel “tHeRe ArE nO wOmEn On ThE iNtErNeT” comments that I don’t come across as much anymore, but from people I know face-to-face, it gets to me. At least enough to avoid the topic. I’m sure there are a lot of women like me all hiding that we play video games!

    It’s not fair that you’re getting the productivity shame either. The people who do that are usually the same people that are like, “Have you seen the latest 5 different series that have dropped on Netflix? I watched them all last weekend.”

    Oh well. I feel like it’ll only get more socially acceptable to spend our free time however we want! It can only go up from here!