• Blxter@lemmy.zip
    8 months ago

    Genuine question how would we “fix” our society by removing those jobs and keep same or more people. What jobs would they do. Having robots do Amazon workhouse jobs would displace thousands of people who work that for a job where would they go. They can’t just become software developers or medical workers etc. The way I see it is we just need more jobs in general so removing some is a total negative unless we have somewhere for them to go.

    • m13@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      Not everyone needs to work. Many jobs are useless or detrimental to our existence.

      We need to think about fundamental changes in how our societies run.

      Think about how much wealth the richest people in our world have. Would it be so bad if they lived in a regular house if it meant living in a world where everyone has accomodation, food, health care and education - and the work that is done is that which is actually useful to our survival and development as a species.

      Why be so committed to the idea that “everyone needs to work” for some arbitrary reason to build useless plastic things, or countless variations of the same thing with different packaging. Why are we continuing to live in a world that throws perfectly good food into dumpsters and landfill just to keep prices at a certain level. The world we are living in now is totally nonsensical.

      If people had the security of being able to leave their job and not face eviction, starvation, or poor health they would have the freedom to retrain, learn more, and move onto something which is of actual benefit.

      We don’t need countless food delivery drivers, bankers, or stock brokers. All of those people would benefit us much more by doing nothing. We don’t need more jobs, we need less jobs.

      Imagine a world where we do the work needed to build the housing, education facilities, food and energy production we actually need. Then we are free to build technology which benefits us instead of enslaving us. We could live without poisoning our environment and driving our planet deeper into climate change and extinction.

      If we lived in that world we would be able to build humanoid robots to do the work we don’t want to do, and it would benefit us all. We would have more time to pursue our own interests and passions. No people put out of jobs, who then become homeless, who then need to turn to crime for survival, and no need build humanoid killer robots to hunt us all down when we all lose our jobs.


      • Sanctus@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        But therein lies the problem. You yourself are a commodity. You benefit the wealthy when you go to work, so everybody must work. We have created nothing here but a ceaseless wheel that mangles the pennies from our corpses.

    • Yawweee877h444@lemmy.world
      8 months ago

      I dont have a solution, that’s why I’m cynical. It is perfectly OK to say “I don’t know”.

      That being said, you’re way of thinking is very myopic and only fits our current society standard / zeitgeist.

      Why do people need to do these menial jobs at all? You’re answer is probably that they won’t have money to pay for food, rent, etc. What if we had a society where people could pursue hobbies, interests, passions, etc, without fear of homelessness and starvation? Why can’t we reach for something much better than what we have now?

      Some people would exploit such a system and never contribute to society and just sit around playing video games all day? So what, who gives a shit?

      Just because this would be extremely difficult, and we have absolutely no idea how to do it, doesn’t mean we should just give up and not try. The current system sucks ass. People shouldn’t be wasting there time doing menial pointless labor to keep the wealthy rich, just to survive a pointless existence.