“This app finds missing map data in your vicinity and displays it on a map as quests. Solve each quest by visiting the location on-site and answering a simple question to update the map.”
“This app finds missing map data in your vicinity and displays it on a map as quests. Solve each quest by visiting the location on-site and answering a simple question to update the map.”
Looks interesting. Has anyone used this?
It’s good, but it depends on the map having the details in the first place. e.g. near me, the roads are mapped, and a lot of the town centre, but there’s a huge amount missing.
Street Complete can’t ask about a building if it hasn’t been added to OpenStreetMap in the first place.
You can use the app to add places and other “things” like street lamps, trash bins and surveillance cameras btw
Well, I feel a bit daft!
I thought the filter was to only complete quests for certain objects. I had no idea that you could add items too. That’s going to make things easier for me :)
I use it once in a while when I’m taking a walk, it’s made purposely to fill stuff easily on the go.
For more detailed/complex edits, I go with Every Door.
I’ve used it quite extensivly, big fan. It asks for further details on objects that have already been mapped, which also reveals things that don’t exist anymore. It turns mapping into a really fun game with currently 163 different quests. The app also regularly asks you to verify opening hours or confirm the existence of certain objects. That being said, I almost always use it in conjunction with a real map editor, to add new stuff I find or to make more complex edits.
I’ve used it
I use it a lot when I’m on the go because it’s just very quick and easy. I also contribute to OSM normally using my PC or Laptop.
I love that I can easily correct and annotate bike lanes
Seems like a good way to crowd source finer detail