Dressed uniformly in black, the protesters with Jewish Voice for Peace gathered on the pedestal shortly before 1 p.m. when they dropped massive banners with calls for a cease-fire and other slogans, such as “The Whole World Is Watching” and “Never Again for Anyone.” The group sang “Cease-fire now” and occupied the national monument for about 20 minutes before dispersing. The protest, which the group said included more than 500 people, continued on a ferry headed back to Manhattan.

  • Guydht@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Israel mainly kills innocent civilians

    You mean during this war or before? If during, then yeah probably (although Hamas won’t release the numbers of terrorists/civilians killed) But again, that’s just war, and war is horrible. We can all agree on that.

    And about 2023 being the deadliest one - it’s so much more nuanced than this - it’s indeed the Israeli government’s fault that things escalated since it’s one of the most right-wing governments Israel has ever seen - and their lack of competence should and is blamed for the escalation and for allowing such a major attack to happen. Israel’s government has a lot to answer after this war, to a lot of people - especially to Israelis.

    That is to say, the escalation in violence was in the west bank, not in Gaza. Gaza was a relatively quiet area for months up until the attack (except for disturbenceses on the fence which Israel stupidly disregarded)

    obviously when people say cease fire they mean a real one

    Then by that standard there have been 0 cease fires in Gaza since Hamas took over. Rockets are fired from Gaza at least once a year - is that peace in your eyes? Calling for it now after all those years is just ridiculous. Maybe a pause for humanitarian aid, but ceasefire? Basically giving Gaza back to Hamas? What sane Israeli would live in one of the slaughtered Kibutz while Hamas is still in power?

    A failure. That doesn’t justify genocide of people

    War != Genocide. They both have massive civilian deaths - but it’s an important distinction. The 7/10 attack does indeed justify entering a war - where sadly lots of civilians are killed. Poor Gazans have both Israel and Hamas to blame for allowing this war to happen.