These companies have lost their fucking minds. I pay over $200 a month for insurance through my job. Recently I had to go in and get blood work done for a condition I have, and was charged over $200 for the office visit and lab work. When I called to figure out why it wasn’t just a $30 copay like my card states, I was told that due to my high-deductible plan, I’m responsible for all costs until the deductible is reached, and only then will my copays start.

When the fuck did this change? Now I’m responsible for the full cost of an office visit with a regular doctor at the rate of $200+ ON TOP of premiums, costs of service, Rx costs, etc. This isn’t even for a serious condition, I can’t even imagine what it would cost if regular visits were needed. I won’t be paying these bills as medical debt under $500 isn’t reported in my state.

What can we do? How do we push back against them killing us like this? All these insurance companies have been reporting record profits since the pandemic, and before, while we’re paying $1000s month for even the most basic of healthcare services. Meanwhile the liberals continue to dangle the idea of universal health care like a carrot every few years to sway votes.

We should all be far more pissed off at them squeezing profits from us at for sake of our health, but where do we even start to push back in any effective way?

    1 year ago

    Healthcare is one of the biggest drivers of economic “growth” in late stage capitalism, the ruling class will never let it be touched

    1 year ago

    In general, the healthcare system in the US is just nuts. Most of you never lived in a socialist/communist country where the government really did take care of your health. Everything was free back then (regarding healthcare). I remember I had to have my tonsils removed when I was young, my mother’s health care paid for 90% of the costs. The other 10% were covered by her being a blood donor, so basically, we paid nothing. 4 days at the hospital, plus the operation, all paid for by the state.

  • I’m not in US but I feel you. I moved to Ireland. A month into my new job they dropped the reasonable (seemingly) insurance and replaced it with one which legit covered nothing but a few online visits with a doctor. I had an emergency surgery and now have 10 years of medical loan to pay. I’d have it regardless because apparently you need to be with an insurance for 1-3 years for them to cover issues related to preexisting conditions. I’m now in Germany and was trying to find a doctor but got no responses. I decided to schedule a doctor further away and will go on Monday. I have to inform work because it’s during work hours. Best of luck to all my health impaired comrades. I really hate how ableism is the most impactful systemical oppression and also the least talked about.

    1 year ago

    I don’t know what people can do for general healthcare. Personally, most of my medical costs are from HRT related medicines, and I simply began obtaining it without the middle-man (pharmacies). In the trans world this is referred to as DIY (not legal). I have no idea if things like this exist for the majority of healthcare.

    1 year ago

    $200 a month is cheap now. Look at any contract job and you are lucky to get anything less than $100 A WEEK. It’s ridiculous. And if you don’t pay for it they penalize your taxes for being uninsured. Last job I had interviewed for it was $150 a week.