Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ linked to low birth weight, reduced sperm counts and infertility

Several brands of condoms and lubricants contain alarming levels of toxic PFAS “forever chemicals”, including styles of Trojan and K-Y Jelly, new research finds.

The testing conducted by the Mamavation consumer advocacy blog comes just as researchers found human skin absorbs the chemicals at much higher levels than previously thought.

Penis and vagina skin is thin and the organs have a high level of blood vessels, which makes them particularly dangerous organs to expose to PFAS, Linda Birnbaum, a science adviser for Mamavation who previously ran the Environmental Protection Agency’s toxicology program, wrote in the report.

    3 months ago

    Can anyone point me towards safe condoms to buy? I Don’t need them married and fixed but have a teenager who dating and I think he should have some.

        3 months ago

        Apologies! I just got 5-star alarm on that because I too fell into the idea of like a “bio-identical ph-balanced 95% organic lubricant” being some sort of pipe dream after having used everything under the sun on my queer sexual journey. But I swear to god I tumbled to the bathroom crying the second that stuff touched hand -> coochie. I am going to guess it’s the aloe vera. But to be honest, I don’t know. Coconut oil is the way to go though, as far as I know. I heard something like if you use too much of it, it can be antagonistic to your flora. But I haven’t had an issue yet personally. I also don’t know how it interacts with condoms. And I know everything has different materials - etc. So in that situation, I’d say it’s like…do the research yet again.

        But hopefully if you’re with someone you two can communicate. People will probably come with their own preferences. If it’s someone open to it, you can always explore. You know, it is what it is. And of course at the end of the day - to each their own @_@!!! Also, I am a delicate flower =P! So you know, could be a me thing over a universal thing.

            2 months ago

            That’s what I figured, which is why I didn’t recommend the two together. I figured whoever wanted to share would put in the know-how. Thank you!

            2 months ago

            I mean, don’t you? Hahahaha! Yeah, I mighta had it wrong but I think I read something like the coconut oil can mess with your good bacteria and throw your ph off (which I am going to guess causes a yeast infection). But either I am not using enough, or da pussy strong. Which ever. Eh!

              2 months ago

              lol. Nah, you had it right. I was on edibles and made an O’Keefe inspired joke that didn’t land. Flora is a perfectly acceptable word for the critters that live in/on our bodies.

              I’ll have to check back in about coconut oil. One of my partners was very prone to yeast infections, and short of glycol / glycerine / paraben / fragrance-free, water-based lubes, coconut oil was the only thing we could reliably use that wouldn’t cause an issue for her. (Short of one lube that was often out of stock locally, and a bit spendy.)
              But that was a dozen years ago. And if there’s one thing I know, it’s that easily half of what I know is now wrong or comes with asterisks that weren’t there before.

      3 months ago

      Before I could stop caring about condoms, Skyn was my preferred brand because they were a good non-latex option, and I see they’re one of the “better” ones (not detected, but not open about ingredients), so they might be a decent choice for you.

        3 months ago

        When I grabbed condoms for a mr.thevirgintoshytograbhisown that I went to school with - I grabbed Skyn because a) it was at Target and b) it said Latex free and the reviews were good online. They were cheap too. But I didn’t say anything on them because I don’t know a damn thing about the quality or nothing. Or if they put stuff on them or anything. I just did a favor for a guy.

        Also true story, there’s nothing embarrassing about buying sex-stuff. Most people do it, and don’t worry about it. It’s like riding a bike, you might flounder but like - nobody is judging you. Nobody cares!

          3 months ago

          I used them for years with no complaints, and with multiple partners with various sensitivities, so I generally recommended them without reservations. Haven’t bought them in a few years, but the ones I still have do the job when needed.

          Also true story, there’s nothing embarrassing about buying sex-stuff. Most people do it, and don’t worry about it. It’s like riding a bike, you might flounder but like - nobody is judging you. Nobody cares!


        2 months ago

        Skyn are amazing. Wife on pill so we virtually never use them and it’s the closest to what I’m used to.

      3 months ago

      While I do not have this information, I do have a little nugget. Do not buy those hex-like condoms. Because I heard that if they break, you might not realize. I am not sure if they are more prone to breaking or not. But I do know the last part. And outside of that, I don’t know your lifestyle but I applaud you for giving a shit. Because so many people don’t, and it is a really scummy way to live. I know so many women who’ve gotten STIs from scumbag partners. And I am talking people who they had extended relations with, who claim ignorance surrounding the subject. Which makes me want to run with knives down a long corridor towards them. But eh, life. You know? Just kudos for being responsible. Don’t cry over the wallet hit (Cause it’s probably going to be the more expensive brands), just think of it as an essential item for a healthy life =)!

      p.s. - FUCK THAT LIST! Just my two cents because 10/10 I used Good before and it destroyed my vagina like it was getting paid to. So yeah. Fuck that list. I’d say step one is look into non-latex condoms because you never know who’s allergic to what and go from there. But you’re probably going to have to put in the rounds (search up non-latex condoms, go to a sex-shop and see what they’ve got, look up reviews. Idk about shipping them non-commercially because they might degrade in the process) to find the answer.

        3 months ago

        Thank you for the detailed comment. I will definitely do my research, but I learned that his boyfriend trans (female at birth) is on birth control and just want to make sure he covers himself as well.

          3 months ago

          Omg, big apologies. I read your first post like an asshole. My brain is still kicking in (isn’t all loaded until 10:30 and even then it’s kinda…sketchy). You said you’re happily married, and I am a punk. I know this sounds goofy, but transfolks I swear are more at risk than most because the rules of the game are so blurry. I don’t remember where I heard it, but I heard before using two types of birth-control in conjunction is the best way to prevent accidental pregnancies. I read some pamphlet on it during the earlier days of covid and was clapping because it really needs to be addressed more. I tried to find it, but couldn’t. I think it’s an area that needs more resources/studies though.

          Also big love! I have only ever met a handful of cis->ftm couples. But whenever I do, I swear to god they seem like happiest most loving individuals on the face of this planet. I love to see it! So many people are hefty bigots, and it’s miserable to walk around knowing that people could consider you a “freak.” So seeing happy and comfortable couples like that is just like - food for the soul =)!

          Keep being an bitchin’ friend =)