• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Considering that Disney was the main lobbyist in the US Congress for increasing Copyright period length (and hence severelly and one-sidedly cut the quid pro quo of Copyright legislation which is that Society gets those works as Public Domain after for some years enforcing the limitation on the copy of those copyrighted works) from it’s original 20 years to Death Of Author + 70 years (which in general adds up to around 150 years and means nobody will ever see the works that were popular in their youth become part of the Public Domain), people have not just earned the right of getting copies of Disney’s works without paying for them, they even have the moral high ground when they do so - you’re really just taking backs the proceeding of Crime, though as Disney bough the Law, this is one of those situations were the Crime is De Facto but not De Jure.