I use Duckduckgo, but I realised these big(ish) search engines give me all the commercialised results. Duckduckgo has been going down the slope for years, but not at such a rate as Google or Bing has.

I want to have a search engine that gives me all the small blogs and personal sites.

Does something like this exist?

  • zutto@lemmy.fedi.zutto.fi
    2 months ago

    This is a bit off-topic, but did you try to increase the JVM limits inside Yacy’s administration panel?

    Spoilering to hide wall of text related to this topic.

    This setting located in /Performance_p.html-page for example gives the java runtime more memory. Same page also has other settings related to ram, such as setting how much memory Yacy must leave unused for the system. (These settings exist so people who run Yacy on their personal machines can have guaranteed resources for more important stuff)

    Other things that would reduce memory usage is to limit the concurrency of the crawler for example. There’s quite a lot of tunable settings that can affect memory usage. Would recommend trying to hit up one of the Yacy forums is also good place to ask questions. The Matrix channel (and IRC) are a bit dead, but there are couple of people including myself there!

    Also, theres new docs written by the community, they might help as well! https://yacy.net/docs/ https://yacy.net/operation/performance/

    • phanto@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      Yeah, I did try that. Basically, if I doubled the memory I allocated, I gave it half again longer before it crashed, but it still crashed, eventually.

      It’s no big deal, this was last year, I may try again one day. Loving Searxng though!