How’s it holding up?
A burial plot, and we’ll see.
Seems to me you bought it for death, actually
I bought one to last the rest of my life and the rest of my death. It’s a 2 for.
Burial plots don’t last forever. You may only get to use it for something as short as 40 years before they shift you out for a new occupant, depending on demand and upkeep and whatever was agreed on beforehand.
Wait what, what do they do with the bodies?
They get placed in an or respectfully disposed of somehow…
ive been using the same blanket every night (except when its getting washed) for nearly 20 years, much to my wifes annoyance (we use our own blankets as we are both rollers and blanket theifs). i dont intend to stop using this one anytime soon, just as good as when i bought it
Bruh, mention which blanket.
Usually things bought in the past that have proven themselves to be good for life have now reached a point in their productcycle where they have been cost optimized to death. So, buying the same make of thing again new often does not give the same experience. Prepare for disappointment.
Frankly my favorite are just generic hospital blankets.
I still use a couple i stole from the hospital (or rather paid for through insurance and seized) when my kids were born 7+ years ago. THey are awesome, and very easy to wash. Hell you can even bleach em.
ha no idea. pretty sure its a fairly generic thing you get from a discount department store like kmart or something. but its never been beat
Man… Some family member made my mom a blanket when she started college.
A decade later, she gifted it to tiny me while I was sick.
When I started college, she got my grandmother to help her unstitch it, replace the batting and quilt stitch the original fabric to help it last longer.
That was 15 years ago.
I still have that blanket on my bed.
ITT a bunch of simple things like cast iron skillets. It’s a chunk of iron. You have to try to break stuff like that. What do you have that people wouldn’t necessarily expect to have good durability?
My DS 214 NAS. Been going strong for a nearly a decade.
My Anker multiport charger. Also going strong for a long time.
Early Dyson vacuum cleaner. That thing’s seen some abuse, but it keeps on going.
Toro riding mower. Had to replace a few small parts along the way, but it’s still going for over a decade.
Ha! My DNS 323 NAS finally died this year. I think it made it 15 years, which is awesome for a product like that. Good luck.
How much abuse did yours take? Ours is a backup and occasional video server.
Same exact use case for me. Backup and Plex video server. I would say no abuse. I regularly blew out dust and ensured the fan was clean and spinning freely.
It just started randomly turning off. Then one day, it wouldn’t turn on.
The data on the HDDs was fine. But, they were formatted in a Linux ext format that Windows can’t read natively. You can recover the data, just takes a few steps.
Thanks. Guess I’ll keep my fingers crossed that ours keeps trucking.
Omg same
Alden 405 “Indy boots”
I got them in 2004 and they’ve been resoled once. That works out to about $13 a year
Bless Terry Pratchett, still teaching us shit long after he passed.
AKG Q701 headphones. I have to resolder them every year or two, but they’re infinitely repairable. I’ve tried many headphones over the years but nothing comes close to the quality.
DasKeyboard 4 Pro keyboard. I’ve typed on it so hard for so long that the key caps have started crumbling. Replaced all of the key caps for a few bucks and it’s good as new.
PlanetBox lunchbox. It’s like a metal lunch tray with a lid. Fully metal, nearly indestructible, rust proof.
A carabineer clip I got at Walmart in '06 for $1. I’ve used it every day for 17 years and all of the paint has rubbed off. It just won’t die.
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I replaced it with a leather band and I’m happy with it
Until yesterday I would have said “my toaster”. But after about 25 years of service or so the heating element finally broke and there are no more spare parts around. So I guess it’s time to lay it to rest. It served me well.
Chromecast 1. Still going strong after over a decade.
I’ve hooked my gen. 1 up to an old radio using an HDMI audio/video splitter; works great!
If my Chromecast audio ever dies I’ll probably do this too.
Japanese made Makita half inch router my dad bought in 1976
Not something I bought a long time ago but I want to share the idea, I have now got myself One Single Ballpen. I was moving and saw that I’d got way too many ballpens that were not even used and that I would not use at all that were just offered or I don’t even know how I got them. So I bought myself a metal ballpen with some recharges, and well in one year i’ve not even finished the first recharge, and i’ve basically only written with this pen and signed with this pen
What pen did you buy?
I got a Rotring 600 and it’s holding well for me!
Get you a Schmidt easy flow refill for that thing. Smooth as butter.
I got some Schmidt EasyFlow 9000 recharges they are in my bag, but I haven’t even finished the first Rotring charge which is already quite smooth, my SO was chocked when she borrowed it. Kind of impatiently waiting to have no ink left to try those Schmidt’s!
If you got them off Amazon be prepared for the occasional dud. The good ones are noticeably smoother than what comes with the Rotring.
Thats a quality pen.
Yeah, I mostly took it because it felt in hand and looked resistant. It’s almost all the time in my jacket pocket so some would say I’m not perfectly taking care of it and a but of the blue “paint” has been wearing a bit of on the handle part
The only right answer is Uniball Jetstream, probably 0.7mm. Buy the multi-pen and a bunch of refills and you’re good to go.
Jetpens.Com is a nice site.
Plex Lifetime Pass back in 2015. Worth every penny.
Before the haters start, Jellyfin wasn’t around back then and yes, I’ve tried Jellyfin but it’s not as featured rich as Plex for what I use it for. So, no, I’m not switching.
I bought a nice Jansport backpack in 5th-6th grade, and it’s still going strong in my 30s. It’s been through years of school, college, and a family member took it when they had to do a military tour in Iraq. Still going strong, not a single tear.
Safety razor. Bought one for 30 EUR over a decade ago, and it’s showing no signs of wear. Razor blades are cheap too. I have no clue why razors with proprietary blades are so popular nowadays.
Not sure how to link a Lemmy instance, but this link should hopefully work:
If I’m not wrong it would be !
Hi there! Looks like you linked to a Lemmy community using a URL instead of its name, which doesn’t work well for people on different instances. Try fixing it like this: !
Good bot
A $30 Under Armour water bottle, I bought the thing back in 2014 and I’m still using it even now. The push button latch for the lid doesn’t really work anymore, but it still has a lid lock so not really an issue. The thing has stood up to almost a decade of abuse and still works great.
Yup, they survive everything. Mine also lost the automatic lid opening ability but you get used to it. Bought a less expensive version from an offbrand but they all look the same anyway.
A Baratza Virtuoso coffee grinder.
It’s solidly built, works great, all parts are replaceable and if you need parts or advice all you need to do is mail Baratza.
I’ve owned it for 15 years now and it still works just as well as the day I bought it.
Edit: I also bought an expensive 1zpresso hand mill (a K ultra?) from someone who had buyer’s remorse. Sometimes I don’t want to make tons of noise grinding coffee in the middle of the night and it’s nice to have a quiet way to grind for a cup. It’s built as solidly as the electric grinder so I’m pretty sure I’ll have it for life as well. Both were great BIFL purchases.
I bought a pair if Beyerdynamic DT770 Pro headphones at least 15 years ago. I still use them all the time. Just change the ear pads and headband whenever they get gross and they’re just like new again.
Wow I hope my AKG K7XX can last that long. Mine is going about 7-8 years now. Are the pads on the Beyer removable for cleaning?
You could. I prefer to replace them though. All foam degrades over time so replacements are about more than just being clean.
I only really do this every 2-3 years. It’s not exactly expensive.