About fucking time.

  • WanderingVentra@lemm.ee
    2 months ago

    Meanwhile, Hamas says that Israel killed them through their bombardments and air strikes. It makes it a he-said, she-said situation. And to be honest, I’m more inclined to believe Hamas on this one, considering how credible the IDF has been and how many bombs they have been dropping. Plus, if there was some policy to shoot hostages before Israel found them or before they left an area, they wouldn’t have rescued any up to this point, and we know they have found some here before (and shot them). My gut says that the IDF just doesn’t want to look bad.

    And I know Hamas sucks too, but I have to give them credit for this sick burn:

    Rishq emphasized that Hamas had been more concerned about the lives of the hostages than Biden himself, citing Hamas’ agreement to a cease-fire proposal and the UN Security Council’s resolution, both of which were rejected by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.