Readers needed to know that, when you visit Arlington, you might not know exactly what you’re supposed to do when confronted by those rows of headstones, but you damn sure know what you’re not supposed to do. But the coverage this week left many readers with the impression that the whole thing might have been a bureaucratic mix-up, or some tedious violation of protocol. It focused on bland horse-race coverage so common during election season, rather than clearly stating what really took place: an egregious and willful violation of long-standing norms. What was missing from the coverage was a willingness to quickly and decisively state what a grievous insult the whole debacle was to the dignity of Arlington. The sacred had been profaned.

Well fucking said.

    1 month ago

    I disagree that the media is pro-trump.

    You can disagree all you want, but you’re fundamentally incorrect. Even when the media is ‘attacking’ trump, they’re giving him ratings and attention over every little thing, even shit that’s fairly normal (not this case, obv). Or did you forget all of the free media time he got with the media breathlessly reporting his every move, including his empty podiums before speeches?

    They’re still pulling this shit, though to a somewhat lesser extent, but the media didn’t learn a damned thing from the mistakes they made in 2020.