• Allero@lemmy.today
    1 month ago

    Unpopular opinion: the cost of keeping people up there is astronomically (pun intended) high, so it’s only natural that they are expected to work way, way more than us here on the ground.

    We may take a vacation and it’s alright. They take a day off and burn hundreds of thousands of dollars as they do so. Their rest is paid by insane amounts of primarily taxpayer dollars. Their schedule must be packed, and only the individuals capable of sustaining such workloads in space conditions should go there in the first place.

    After that, indeed, they deserve a very long vacation to restore.

      • Allero@lemmy.today
        1 month ago

        Putting [redacted] over slurs doesn’t make you any less rude. Just sayin’.

        Astronauts have access to a team of psychologists and other medical professionals that do ring alarm if the mental or physical state of the crew isn’t compatible with quality work or is damaging to a person. But again, we can’t expect them to work 9 to 5 up there, and only select few that are most stress-tolerant are ever even suggested to go to space. This is not an easy position, and everyone is aware of that long in advance. They know what they are going for, and it’s not that they go there because they have no alternative. Many also have military background and are trained to remain attentive and productive under any circumstances.

          • Allero@lemmy.today
            1 month ago

            Ew then.

            As a mod in one of the places, I wouldn’t make much of a difference. The point is to keep it civil, not to avoid the emergence of “bad words” per se.

            Before Reddit exodus, Lemmy has primarily been a place of politeness and mutual respect. Sad to see that stuff coming up again in this once pristine place.

            There is really no need in such language, especially if your goal is to convey your point and make your opponent consider it, instead of virtue signalling and hostility. It’s no Xitter 'round here, and rageposting is not incentivised.