People don’t understand just how much money a billion dollars is. Once you are that rich it’s really REALLY hard not to get richer. Just putting your money in basic savings accounts would just keep piling on money. Invest it even conservatively and you’ll grow like crazy. Invest aggressively and you’ll have another billion soon.
Billionaires simply shouldn’t exist.
I’m more charitable than most, I say you get to have up to 100 million, after that you’ve won life. Any extra money money you make goes back into your community.
People don’t understand just how much money a billion dollars is. Once you are that rich it’s really REALLY hard not to get richer. Just putting your money in basic savings accounts would just keep piling on money. Invest it even conservatively and you’ll grow like crazy. Invest aggressively and you’ll have another billion soon.
Billionaires simply shouldn’t exist.
I’m more charitable than most, I say you get to have up to 100 million, after that you’ve won life. Any extra money money you make goes back into your community.