“Monopoly money found in backpack believed to belong to suspect in murder of CEO.”
That’s 1st class trolling!
So they have new photos of him, and they are looking for all surveillance in the 10 days he was in New York, and they have him loitering in the area 5 minutes prior to Thompson’s arrival at the investor conference he was attending. They have a cellphone he left. They’re trying to get the bike.
They fucking lost him and they’re scrambling.
This is exciting. Heck I don’t know what I’m more excited about - the potential for The Adjuster to get away, the message Thompson received, the collective panic amongst the elite, or the investigation work telling us how desperate they are trying.
Honestly, I’m expecting them to just try and pin it on someone just to save face.
Yeah, that’s the part I’m not excited about. They’ve narrowed who they are looking for far too much for it to be pinned on just anyone.
So you can guarantee whoever they do pin it on will “resist law enforcement” and be unable to plead their innocence in court.
Seriously. Why the fuck else would your “top investigators” release these kind of details of an ongoing investigation when the normal comment is “we don’t discuss active investigations”?
- They have no good leads and are hoping for more tips from the public (lol good luck with that $60k snitch line bounty you stiff people on).
- They hope to rattle this purported individual to do something stupid like grant a media interview or send an email/letter
- They are throwing a massive digital dragnet around this and are hoping this purported individual is manically F5’ing any and all stories for counterintelligence of their case.
It would be a real shame if the line got flooded with credible, false leads…
Putting the number here just to make sure nobody calls it by accident.
Exciting and revealing on the surveillance state. Well executed by a competent individual
I think it’s time we let this man have his peace. Let’s call off the search.
Enough resources have been wasted already
Gun violence is just a fact of life in America, no way to solve it. They should just move on.
Exactly, I’m sure thoughts and prayers were issued somewhere, good enough.
Yeah let’s thoughts and prayers this thing and put it to bed
Are they going to give him this when they find him?
Because he might have one of these and then they’ll be out of luck.
This just shows you the level of surveillance that the government has access to. They don’t need to add cameras (well…) as they have access to everyone else’s via “request.”
How did they get the guys cellphone? If so he’s cooked.
Burner phone
Please help me find my dear fluffy the cat! When he got lost, he was wearing this name tag right here! Its bright and red! We found the name tag at the door! I hope it helps! Wanna sniff it?
You know, Putin’s methods are the same as the US’s when it comes to overthrowing elected governments, right?
Apply leverage to an existing weak point.
Try to make it undistinguishable from a legitimate reason.
The problem, of course, is that none of this requires a Putin or a CIA to explain it. The actions of the health care industry is perfectly sufficient.