Elizabeth Warren has been terrible at her job but successful at poisoning progressive movements in the US. She worked for banks before becoming a senator and was deeply involved in undercutting Bernie Sanders’ support in 2016. Don’t believe a word she says because it is literally there to cloud the truth.
Warren has done good work at the CFPB. She undercut Bernie because she was incredibly competent and knowledgeable, and granted to the right of him a bit politically but almost anyone elected in government is. She would have been a much better choice than Billary, has progressive receipts and would have spoken to economic issues that pull in more voters; instead the Democratic party fucked Sanders and anointed Hillary who was running a platform of “bomb Iran” in the primaries and made the job easy for the media who had decades of Clinton material to pull from.
Elizabeth Warren has been terrible at her job but successful at poisoning progressive movements in the US. She worked for banks before becoming a senator and was deeply involved in undercutting Bernie Sanders’ support in 2016. Don’t believe a word she says because it is literally there to cloud the truth.
I don’t think this is true. What do you mean by “deeply involved”? Just that she didn’t endorse him, or something else?
Warren has done good work at the CFPB. She undercut Bernie because she was incredibly competent and knowledgeable, and granted to the right of him a bit politically but almost anyone elected in government is. She would have been a much better choice than Billary, has progressive receipts and would have spoken to economic issues that pull in more voters; instead the Democratic party fucked Sanders and anointed Hillary who was running a platform of “bomb Iran” in the primaries and made the job easy for the media who had decades of Clinton material to pull from.