[alt text: Text which says, “The 2 genders according to chuds”. Below the text is two images. On the left is an image of Geralt from The Witcher 3, and he is labeled, “Male, parentheses (white)”. On the right is an image of Ciri from The Witcher 4 trailer, and she is labeled, “Political”.]

  • OutlierBlue@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    I just had a conversation with someone about this on Lemmy a few days ago. His response was to call the choice “modern identity politics” and then back up his point by saying he always chose the female choice in games if he could. As if he did it from any belief that women are strong and capable and didn’t just want to see a woman on his screen. And the comment reeks of “I’m not racist! I have a black friend!” vibes.

    Anyway he ended up saying Lemmy was just like Reddit and… oh, now he’s in a different thread aggravating people and saying the same thing that Lemmy is intolerant.