Matthew Livelsberger, the suspect behind the Tesla Cybertruck explosion outside Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, was described as a “big” Trump supporter and a highly trained Green Beret with 19 years of military service.
Livelsberger, who died in the blast, rented the Cybertruck in Colorado and filled it with explosives, injuring seven.
Authorities are investigating the incident’s symbolism, speculating it may have been a political statement due to its location and links to Trump and Elon Musk.
No clear motive has been established.
I will still wait for more concrete details before I cast judgement, but in the meantime I can say this much:
Many leftist haters of Trump wouldn’t go in a Cybertruck to make a statement. They’d probably even refuse to be paid to get in one.
The stupid things have had over a half dozen recalls in the last year. You couldn’t pay me enough to get in one.
I already feel unsafe when I call a Lyft or Uber and get a Tesla. That alone removes a star.
I mean… this guy was possibly a suicide bomber.
I don’t think there would be concerns over what happened if he got into a fender bender on the way there.
Tesla’s are the most deadly vehicles per accident, for everyone not in one.
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Got a source for that? I’d be curious for a read through.
So your original comment is false technically. You said they are the worst “per accident”. The study you linked only looked at accidents with at least 1 fatality. That would ignore any accidents that might have resulted in a fatality, but due to the safety of the car, there were only injuries with no death. Granted that applies to the other cars as well, but at least something to note.
Also there’s this quote from the article that contradicts your assertion.
“Most of these vehicles received excellent safety ratings, performing well in crash tests at the IIHS and NHTSA, so it’s not a vehicle design issue,”
The design of Tesla’s should not take a hit like this because the drivers suck.
I wouldn’t trust a cyber truck to even blow up correctly.
That’s kind of a fucked up reason to decrease the rating of your driver, don’t you think?
No, the back seats literally become death traps after a crash and cannot be opened without knowing where to look for a special release that requires disassembling floor or door panels. (It’s different for different models and years.) They are not suitable vehicles for taxi service.
Idk about other models but in a model 3 the manual door latch is like 3 inches from the door opening button
Depends on the year.
When I look at his background. 19 years of military service at the sharp end, does not leave a person “fully whole”. The US also has a history of neglecting the mental health of its service members.
This suicide might have more to do with those factors, than politics. The apparent political statement might just have been a final cry for attention.
Further, nobody willingly leaves the military at 19 years. 20 years and you get retirement pay for the rest of your life–19 gets you nothing.
Maybe he had a medical retirement, which is fully possible for any number of reasons, but…
Probably he did something egregious to get kicked out at 19 years. Leaders will often let servicemembers near 20 years retire when they’re guilty of wrongdoing (in consideration of the many years served beforehand). To cut short a retirement career is to make an example of a person for doing something awful.
Edit: He was still active duty and stationed in Germany, making my whole comment moot. My bad. That’s what I get for not reading the article before commenting ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Quick article skim, but I didn’t see where it said he was ex-military. I see a lot of past tense that could be interpreted as that, or as “the guy is dead and entirely past tense now”. I may have missed it.
The US neglects mental health in general. Cluster B’s end up in charge because they lack basic empathy. When they get there the first thing they do is try to make sure they never get outed as a cluster B. After all they know what they do is wrong but think they can just tell enough lies to fool people. They gut any mental health system they can. Just look at that traitor reagan. He gutted the national system and forty years later we have a homeless population full of untreated mentally Ill.
Maybe he is trying to say something about the president elect’s relationship with teslas owner.
I can imagine that relationship could seem troubling if you were a fan
So… there may be a motive.
The wife of the Cybertruck bomber Matthew Livelsberger left him just days before he detonated the vehicle outside the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, according to a report.
With a bit more context from some of the texts he made here from here:
My entirely premature, editorialized take is that this guy cheated on his wife, or his wife left him due to suspecting as much, he believed his life was ruined, and decided to go out with a bang.
He was a big Trump guy, was a Green Beret for multiple tours of duty, until 2019 when he suffered a traumatic brain injury, he kept working in the Army, most recently as remote and autonomous systems manager stationed in Germany.
Then he went home on leave, his wife leaves him, and 3 days before his death, several days after his wife left him, he texted his previous ex (not his very recently ex wife):
“I rented a Tesla Cybertruck. It’s the s**t,” read a text to Arritt, obtained by the Denver Gazette.
“I feel like Batman or halo,”
He apparently shot himself in the head whilst inside the CyberTruck, parked outside of the Trump hotel… which then caught on fire, and the fireworks and fuel cannisters inside the CyberTruck eventually went off as well:
“I’m comfortable calling it a suicide with a bombing that occurred immediately after,” Sheriff McMahill said during Thursday’s press conference.
As far as I can tell so far… the actual, specific mechanism that caused of the ignition of the CyberTruck does not appear to have been determined so far, but it was probably by design of Livelsberger.
While the car having fireworks inside of it is possibly coincidentally explained by New Years, fuel cans inside a rented CyberTruck probably signal an intention to go out with a bang.
So, yeah, summed up, my take is that this notably brain damaged individual, who was a big Trump fan and probably Elon fan as well, who felt like Batman driving around in a Halo warthog in a CyberTruck…
…basically just became suicidal after his wife left him and went on a joyride in a CyberTruck, then game overed himself in spectacular fashion.
No one supports Trump for logical reasons. He’s the emotional choice.
When you get emotionally involved, crazy is a small step away
Also pretty easy to be betrayed by Trump: he claims to hold every possible stance on every issue. Then, he acts on only one person’s benefit: Trump.
One of the Trump stories I re-post all the time is how he had a lottery where the top prize was dinner with him at the White House. They ran the lottery for months and there was never a single winner.
I once got a reply from a MAGoo saying that this was no different than when another pol sends an email asking you personally to contribute.
You’d think a green beret would be better at blowing shit up
Did he not succeed? Seemed to blow up pretty good.
What did they blow up? Their own vehicle and a piece of the road? Some random bystanders? A few thousands of damage to the hotel maybe? I don’t know their goals, but I don’t think that’s successful if they wanted anything more than attention seeking. (edit: which honestly seems like it could be the goal, why else have fireworks instead of fertilizer?)
Compare with the Oklahoma City bombing.
Wasn’t flexible enough
Turns out if you want to use a cybertruck as an explosive weapon you need to put it on its side due to the way the walls of the vehicle contain the explosion.
Classic cybertruck-as-weapon noob mistake.
“This side toward enemy”. Built so strong it directs the blast out the open face of the bed.
I’m spitballing here, but it was just a bunch of fireworks used as the actual bomb, correct?
I’m sure if they did the fertilizer/ OKC thing that it would have blown up a lot better instead of just catching on fire, but the stupid thing also probably doesn’t have good enough cargo capacity to carry enough accelerant
He was likely making a statement and wanted fire and noise more than demolition and death (granted he also probably didn’t care if some people around it got hurt). It’s pathetic.
Probably, otherwise, why not drive it through the doors into the lobby?
I think it went exactly according to his plan.
I think they tend to do more training and support of friendly local forces. May have been upset with the Afghan war exit, I don’t think it would have gone well for people he may have had contact with.
All of the shooters and this guy have been trump fans. That’s the thing about patriotism. If you use it as rhetoric but attack the foundation, the rah rah patriots tend to want to blow your head off.
Gonna be a interesting 4 years
Normal isn’t returning after Trump’s next four years just like it didn’t return in the last four years.
We’re already in a new political reality in America. We might as well acknowledge that and start to engage with it.
Shit is going to get weird. Talk to your neighbors, see if you can find community support groups, that sort of thing will carry you through a lot more than just about anything else.
Also if you have the spare time and income, take a stop the bleed style class.
It’s obviously too early to say the motive with 100% accuracy. But based on the timing of the event, and the Trump/Musk connection. It would seem like a Trump supporter who felt betrayed about the H1B visa thing.
Perhaps he was turning japanese as he shot himself.
I really think so.
Ha ha ha.
Maybe we could avoid racist bullshit?
Here, let me help you.
Guess you’re one of today’s lucky 10,000!
Hmmm, that might be a cover story to keep the music selling. Everyone always thought it was about jerking off, so more in the racist category.
Yeah, I don’t buy it. The lyrics are pretty damn clear that he’s jerking off.
He’s talking about how he’s got her picture and he even wants to see inside her and then he’s turning Japanese.
It doesn’t take a PhD in English language poetry to get the symbolism.
It even made it on a 2007 listicle, lol
Well TIL!
Are we conflating race and ethnicity? Shoddy - if true.
Man, ex- trump fans really really want trump dead
Wonder why…
Or some of his supporters are impressionable
I wonder if it has anything to do with all the calls for violence against Trump.
Remember when people burned effigies of Obama when he got elected? Pastors around the country hung dark colored dummies with nooses? Do you remember that?
Nah you don’t otherwise you wouldn’t have made up evidence to try and support your claim.EDIT: I misspoke, you didnt even attempt to provide evidence, just a baseless claim.
Where have you seen calls for violence against trump. People don’t like him but I haven’t seen anything. Do you have any articles or proof?
If you watch far more right-winger media and insulate yourself from reality, you will see it everywhere.
EDIT: “He was stationed in Germany, but was back stateside on approved leave.” Ah, that tells me he was still active, or I am at least comfortable assuming that is the case. Still, a good call on the 19 years. That woulda been super sus. just made a call. Its how I heard it.
By who, lol?
I saw it on tv! They’re putting fireworks in the dogs! What about the geese?
Joe Biden for one. Here’s Biden backpedaling from the comment on MSNBC.
The original video of Biden actually saying it has, of course, been scrubbed from the internet or I would post that.
(For context, at the time of his comments Biden was the most powerful human alive)
The guy who did this did not like Biden, only a legitimately insane person would think this trump supporter was acting on biden’s wishes.
Saying this as an ex-soldier: The highly trained special forces are just as susceptible to psyops as the people they use them on. Sometimes more so because “if it was used on them, they would know better from experience” as they drink two more scoops of hooah Kool Ade. Nationalism isn’t patriotism, and patriotism is earned and not irrevocable.
That soldier was lied to and manipulated, and fell for it.
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I’m mostly just worried about the level of training the Green Berets get. This guy clearly didn’t understand how explosives work and made the shittiest most ineffective bomb.
My money is on CTE. Five deployments to Afghanistan as a Green Beret… Apparently he had a “background in communications, IT and tactical unmanned aerial vehicles”, so maybe not quite the tip of the spear, but still.
Is there genuinely that much severe head trauma in active duty? Assumed hearing damage, PTSD, lacerations and breaks and stuff but figured in armed combat direct blows to the head mightn’t be as common. I’m ignorant though, does it happen in training or on base more??
Yes. There is clear cut scientific evidence firing and assault rifle newr your face. Aka to aim. Causes blow back to your brain hitting you skull. Every. Single. Bullet. Fired. Now that’s just probably the damage done during training. Who knows how bad everything else is for a human brain.
If you work with explosives or any hand-to-hand combat, it’s a strong possibility.
Some concussions might also just be due to some of their regular barracks hijinx.
Do you get a Purple Heart if you’re wounded in barracks shenanigans but technically deployed in an active combat zone? It would be a little funny
No, only from enemy attack.
This is why it’s nicknamed the “enemy marksmanship medal”.
Sure. I was attached to MARSOC early on when they were forming the groups and recruiting from Raiders and Force Recon. I was usually attached when they needed to plus up for DMRs. Being 0317 gave me a lot of job opportunities in the early GWOT.
Anyways, we would often deploy in joint efforts with the Green Beret ODAs and almost always it was the tertiary POGs that were the most gung ho assholes. They’d always let you know how smart they were and how stupid the government was for letting all the fat purple hairs into the general ranks. This guy was the POGest of POGs as he was a glorified drone operator. I have doubts he ever left the FOB.
SOF/SF tier one units are filled with embezzling wife beaters who deal fent. I’ve rubbed shoulders with plenty of them. Plenty of them who rotate back to civ div end up robbing banks and selling their training services to militias. It’s the perfect setup for domestic terrorism.
But it’s not psyops that is turning these vets. Green Berets are basically military advisors for partisan forces. They don’t do psyops. What’s radicalizing these vets is the same shit that radicalized your grandparents and parents. Daily Wire, InfoWars and Joe Rogan.
‘big’ Trump supporter
I mean… let’s be honest here, he did drive 12 hours through the night to serve Trump some freshly barbecued pig.
You don’t cater like that unless you’re a truly big fan.
Why is there no mention of the term suicide bomber?
Suicide Arsonist at best.
Not very smart if he filled it with fireworks and gasoline.
“Highly trained Green Beret” who doesn’t know how to make a proper bomb.
If your only aim is that the explosion looks impressive then he made a perfect bomb.
What would be the point of that? He shot himself in the truck prior to the explosion. If you’re just going to do yourself in, what’s the point of having a half-ass explosion in front of a hotel, too? He’s been described as a “Trump-loving supersoldier patriot.” It wouldn’t be some false flag shit, because he was in the truck, that would have obviously not worked.
My best guess is that this “trump loving super patriot” didn’t like elon and was trying to make a point on what elon was doing to trump. The best way they saw to do so was a flashy explosion out of a cyber truck infront of a trump property. Of course if they loved trump then they wouldn’t actually care about maximizing damage to trumps building so they prioritized showiness over destruction. People also light themselves on fire in protest all the time. This was someone who wanted the same without the pain of burning to death so he shot himself before everything went up. If you were planning on killing yourself anyways why wouldn’t you do it in the truck.
Did he shoot himself? I haven’t heard that yet.
Yes, the info was released only recently:
Huh. And I suppose it’s impossible to say if it was immediately before the explosion, or some time before… the Cybertruck could have self-driven his dead body straight to Trump’s door before blowing up.
Described so by his parents according to what I read.
I would have at least tried to ram the hotel doors before killing myself and setting everything off. Even with the limited blast, it would have done more damage in an enclosed space.
The whole thing is confusing
I don’t think the goal was to do damage.
As others have said: This was likely more about making a statement and getting attention than causing damage.
That said, it is well worth looking into the training of even “tier 1 operator” special forces. Unless their job is bomb defusal they aren’t actually learning all that much. Here is some det cord and some plastic explosives. Here is a bunch of math to figure out how much you use of each and for liability purposes you’ll need to get a passing grade on the written test. But the reality is that here are the common doors and walls you’ll encounter and how much to use and in what shape. And if you are using this in a situation where you don’t intend to murder everything on the other side? Get a professional to do it.
So it is very much possible that someone who was “an expert” on blowing out locks and even knocking holes in walls would have absolutely no idea how to make a proper car IED without having access to artillery shells and the like.
One way to think of it is that somebody could be the best F1 driver on the planet and even be able to articulate that they need the camber on their left front wing changed or whatever. But if you gave them a beat up 98 Camry that was misaligned and veered to the left? They would be just as lost as a kid who barely passed driver’s ed.
What message? I can discern nothing
Putting gasoline in your EV is a rookie mistake
It’s a Cyber Truck so that’s what? Two gallons of gas and a pack of sparklers?
And none of the current Trump supporters will believe that he was Trump supporter or that he had planned this attack. They will instead believe that he was murdered by the deep state.
trump is literally about to be president of the most powerful country in the world with a Red SCOTUS & Congress. Yet, if anything bad happens, MAGA will say it’s the deep state.
Funny thing is, they’d be right but not realize that Trump is a part of it rather than the solution to it.
Trump cannot fail, he can only be failed.
Pretty much. Trump could kill an innocent on the streets in the middle of the day, and his supporters would theorize that he took down terrorist.
“He loved Trump, and he was always a very, very patriotic soldier, a patriotic American,”
Yeah. Reading the rest of the article (not that I trust the press these days) his version of being an “American Patriot” is “fuck everyone I hate, they can burn” and he really wanted Trump to do that for him. President Musk getting in the way really pissed him off when he finally realized that Trump is just another spineless, vain, wealthy narcissist that DGAF about him.
Say what you will about the right wing lunatics, they are at least actively trying to take down the establishment. We leftist draw signs and bitch online 😑 me included
Speak for yourself. If you’re doing nothing, that’s on you.
Look at Palestine Action in the UK, who have written off weapons factories. That’s doing far more to take down ‘the establishment’ than a poorly-executed suicide bombing. Look at environmentalists sabotaging coal infrastructure, or even Cop City actions. Look at the unions sabotaging the police in my own city.
At least you don’t get downvoted for saying it anymore, more progress!
One thing I’m finding interesting: we’ve got the NO attack and this Trump/CT attack, happening in close temporal proximity and both hurting/killing innocents, but I’m only seeing the former labelled by the media as a “terrorist” attack. Could it, maybe, possibly, have something to do with the NO attacker potentially having an Islamic background? In contrast, a US military member, and a Trump supporter in particular, could never be awarded the “terrorist” badge by the press, “bomber” is the most he could hope to earn it seems.
I understand your sentiment, but I think it was the videos of him wanting to join ISIS and then ISIS flags in the truck with him.
Right, but I wasn’t claiming that he wasn’t seeking to spread terror for his cause, assuming that these are the facts. I’m remarking on the fact that the “big” Trump supporter and a highly trained Green Beret wasn’t immediately branded a terrorist by the media just like the NO guy was, despite committing an act that was, as far as I can tell, an act of terrorism. Is it only “terrorism” if you’re motivated by some kind of religious belief, and specifically, some kind of Islamic group’s belief?
More likely but not mandatory. They recently took their masks off and revealed it’s really about fucking with the money.
The media did at least have the common decency to wait until they found out the New Orleans attacker was brown before branding him a terrorist.
Got to be careful these days with so many far right lunatics on the loose.
What is “NO”?
I think they’re abbreviating New Orleans
Correct, it’s a common abbreviation used in the States. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.
Not really… it’s usually NOLA, but anyhow…
No, it’s because these Tesla vehicles are so shitty, no one can be truly 100% sure if it was intentional, or the battery just ignited some fireworks in the backseat of some idiot’s truck.
We have known for 23 hours that it was definitely not a battery fire. Everyone who knew anything about battery fires knew it wasn’t a battery fire from the very first videos
Have you been asleep for a couple of days?
Not every media outlet is as timely with getting the latest version of events out. I’m not sitting glued to my screen following this story live, like you are. My bad.
I get notifications for popular news developments, also I might be in a better timezone than you for hearing need from America quickly