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How the FUCK is that shocking to anyone? Conservatives always side with fascists when it becomes expedient to do so.
Only exception to the rule was the Italian monarchists a century ago and even they pretended that they’d never opposed Mussolini the moment they lost the civil war.
Because the far right party exists since 2016 and each try to get too close to them resulted in failure.
So, it’s shocking to see someone try it again.
Most prominent case of the past: The Kemmerich government in Thüringen who accepted votes from that party. Kemmerich had to resign a few days later.
It’s called doubling down and it’s not just happening in Germany.
The COALition in Australia has just compared the First Nations People who have lived in Australia for over 65,000 years with Aliens.
It’s not the first time they’ve shown their #racist colours either.
The “leader” of the COALition has refused to stand in front of a First Nations flag:
So has the “leader” of the COALition in Western Australia:
[…] Men in boats arrived on the edge of the known world to embark on that new experiment. And just like astronauts arriving on Mars those first settlers would be confronted with a different and strange world, full of danger, adventure and potential.
The aboriginal people were the first of Homo Sapiens to leave Africa. They used the rudimentary technology of the era to sail to Australia. When they landed in Australia the ecosystem was even more more dangerous than it is now. They had to survive alongside giant reptiles and other megafauna for 17,000 years. That’s in addition to everything else on that continent trying to kill you.
If anyone in Australia is a pioneering adventurer to be celebrated, it’s these people. Yet the colonialist mind is so brain dead that they’ll denigrate these people and their culture, while celebrating the arrival of a group of psychopathic plunderers who arrived at a land that was already settled by humans.
Yeah, well unfortunately for you, all of that supposed history happened before the Earth and universe were created. So… Lol jokes on you.
It might be misleading to say they were the first out of Africa. I think there was 100,000 years or so between homo sapiens leaving Africa and arriving in Australia.
Also I think they might have been able to walk due to lower sea levels at the time.
Finally it’s pretty likely that homo sapiens (in this case aboriginals) hunted mega fauna to extinction.
It might be misleading to say they were the first out of Africa
I didn’t say they immediately arrived in Australia, a place they couldn’t possibly know existed. But it’s not disputable that Aboriginals were in the first wave of humanity to leave Africa.
They might have been able to walk due to lower sea levels at the time.
Yes, the sea levels were lower and they may have walked for some of their journey. But they did have to sail across the open ocean and did have to construct vessels that would allow them to do that. Let’s not denigrate the technological achievements of these people by saying they just walked it.
Homo sapiens (in this case aboriginals) hunted mega fauna to extinction
What’s really misleading is to just say they hunted the megafauna to extinction when they lived with them for 17,000 years. If you also compare that to the few hundred years it took for the American bison to almost be eradicated after Europeans arrived in North America, you’ll see that these people were still great stewards of the land. Even if, like all Homo Sapiens, they spell disaster for other species around them.
Oh man.
First time round you said “The aboriginal people were the first of Homo Sapiens to leave Africa.” I merely responded that might be misleading.
it’s not disputable that Aboriginals were in the first wave of humanity to leave Africa.
No one is disputing that Aboriginals, along with every other race, descended from the first wave of humanity to leave Africa. That’s what the article you linked from the smithsonian says. Well done.
You’re conflating being the first to become Isolated (in Australia and New Guinea) with being the first to leave Africa.
But they did have to sail across the open ocean and did have to construct vessels that would allow them to do that.
Aboriginals migrated to Australia via land bridges and short sea crossings over the course of many thousands of years. If you want to call a hunter in a dug out canoe a technological achievement then you’re welcome to.
they lived with them for 17,000 years.
This claim is derived from the existence of a single fossil. As you’re no doubt aware, this is a subject of hot debate. Wikipedia says:
the main mechanism for extinction was human burning of a landscape that was then much less fire-adapted; oxygen and carbon isotopes of teeth indicate sudden, drastic, non-climate-related changes in vegetation and in the diet of surviving marsupial species. However, early Aboriginal peoples appear to have rapidly eliminated the megafauna of Tasmania about 41,000 years ago (following formation of a land bridge to Australia about 43,000 years ago as Ice Age sea levels declined) without using fire to modify the environment there, implying that at least in this case hunting was the most important factor. It has also been suggested that the vegetational changes that occurred on the mainland were a consequence, rather than a cause, of the elimination of the megafauna.
I’m only shocked it took this long for the same shitty people to make the same shitty choices they did 100 years ago.
If they actually form a coalition, I promise to call it the “Hindenburg coalition”.
Relaaaax guys. He said only if he is suggesting policies that are in line with AfD interests… Uh, wait…
Man it’s almost like Nazism was a religous conservative extremist movement.
Just in time before the election, and not after.
They didn’t quite get it right:
The perpetrator was not due to be deported, he withdrew his request for asylum and pledged to leave on his own accord.
Merz didn’t agree to start a coalition with the AfD, they merely agree on a key point (which is increased number of deportations for criminal immigrants).
Exactly. I think there is a real danger that Merz will turn that into a coalition later and my personal opinion of him is that he is a particularly nasty example of a morally bankrupt piece of shit (and always has been). But let’s stick to the facts. This is neither a cooperation nor a coalition, yet.
Agree, he’s a major dick who can’t be trusted. Same as cum-ex Olaf. We just don’t have any useful politicians with a semblance of backbone in Germany. Unfortunately the same is true for most of Europe.
He won’t, at least not this year. There are still too many people in the CDU who’d be up in arms against a coalition or any other form of formal cooperation with the AfD, and many of the CDU’s voters are in the same boat. Not necessarily a majority in either case, but a big enough minority to kill any hopes of stable government or of winning an election with the party and electorate split.
Merz knows that. He’s an asshole, not stupid.
I sure hope you’re assessment of the CDU is right, but honestly I wouldn’t bet on it. If you look at how quickly things in the US go down the drain, implementing fascism and destroying basic human rights at a speed that would have been unthinkable just a few months ago, I’d be very, very sceptical about the CDUs promises regarding their so-called “Brandmauer” (Firewall) against the extreme right.
Are you still sure he’s not an asshole AND stupid at the same time? He tried the same trick twice and failed miserably. Now he’s being mocked by the afd and this dumb and reckless maneuver has probably cost his party quite a lot of votes (and most of those unfortunately will go to the afd).
Nope. I overestimated him.
Doesn’t mean that his party would go for an AfD coalition though. He hasn’t even managed to get them to vote to pass a law with the AfD.
Why would anybody be “shocked” that a state supporting genocide is also supporting fascism?
@avidamoeba I was expecting CSU (the Bavarian sister party which is much more hard-line) to be the first ones, but CDU beat them to it
somebody tell them it’s not a race (pun intended)
Indeed it is more mental than physical. It requires concentration
@lurch they thrive on the same fears as AfD, at least CSU does.
Their party was founded by and still worships Konrad f’ing Adenauer, what did people expect?
Its only a “surprise” because they all pretend cooperating with Israelis is not already cooperating with the far right.
History repeats itself.