• Rhoeri@lemmy.world
      23 days ago

      Sorry for the delay, it took me a while to find the goalposts you just moved. Managed to find them all the way over here by this random request of yours for me to “crap all over” a post you made in another community?

      Why would I do that in a community where you’re not a mod there that’s responsible for removing comments you don’t like?

      You see? My problem isn’t with the content of the post, It’s with the character of the poster.

      I thought I made that pretty clear.

      And lastly, what medications you’re taking is entirely irrelevant to the discussion, and won’t buy you any sympathy form me.

      • TokenBoomer@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        I genuinely feel sorry for you. I always think, maybe a little animosity and ribbing will snap someone back to being nice. And, it almost always fails. I don’t know who hurt you, or how, to make you be such a massive piece of shit to people. But, that’s immaterial now. You are too old and set in your ways to turn over a new leaf. 🍃 You lack compassion, empathy and humility. And despite your projection, it’s no one’s fault but your own. I wish you the best. Find a community of friends where hate is not the common bond, but kindness and compassion is. Try to build relationships instead of destroy them. Life is too short to spend it getting dopamine hits from owning people on line. Peace ✌️

        • Rhoeri@lemmy.world
          23 days ago

          Ahhh… Now I’m apparently old an out of touch? There appears to be no end to the excuses you’ll make to discredit any criticism I have against your behavior. I wonder why that might be?

          And look at that! It seems you’ve branched out into concern trolling as well. I love that for you!

          Head up- No amount of attacks toward at others- regardless of what you disguise them as, will hide teh fact that you’re a sad little hypocrite of a moderator that used your authority to silence voices that disagreed with your ideology-

          -the very thing you pretend to be so adamantly against.

          And… You can be absolutely certain that in any future interactions I have with you- this will be brought up. Because people need to be made aware of those that misuse their authority…

          … go ahead and tell me you disagree.

          (Oh, and one last thing- I purposefully left a word un-spellchecked just for you buddy! I know how much you love lording that shit over others, so… Let ‘er rip, bud!)