A chemist told me rust does not spread. The top of my refrigerator gives me some doubt. It’s covered in these spots. The center of every spot is a small break in the paint, but the rust all around those spots is on top of the paint.

  • Onomatopoeia@lemmy.cafe
    16 days ago

    The old-school marine approach is Naval Jelly (as in Navy, not your navel). I keep a bottle around for kitchen and bath stuff. It will remove rust like this pretty quickly (a few minutes).

    But then you must immediately coat it, with something like appliance epoxy paint. Or anything impervious to water, even just a quick layer of vaseline (not that I’d recommend it).

    I don’t recall for sure, but I think Por-15 is a rust converter (been a while since I’ve used it). Rust converters don’t require much prep, just wire brush off the loose stuff.