its been 5 years.


I’ve wanted to transition for a 4th of my life now and I still don’t have enough control over my life to be me.

i would probably hate myself so much less if i had started hrt and transitioning when i wanted to.

rant over ill probably delete this post i just needed to vent im sorry

    16 days ago

    Dysphoria causes distress, and it makes it that much harder to succeed in other areas of your life.

    It’s hard to overstate this, before I transitioned I thought transitioning was selfish and mostly a way for me to finally wear women’s clothes outside my house, etc. - I focused on the social and personal benefits, which were small compared to the risks.

    But the reality is that testosterone was destroying my mind and made me a completely miserable, dysfunctional person. I didn’t transition because I finally could prioritize what I thought was a trivial desire to be a woman, but because I learned it could be the cause of a lot of my mental health problems. I realize now that testosterone was wrecking my life and I was hurting the people I love. In the end, I transitioned because it was the right thing to do, not just for me but for people impacted by me. Refusing to transition was like self-harming, and I saw it was hurting more than just me.

    Now I realize transition is more medically necessary than I could have understood (or more importantly, been willing to believe). I still, even now, have a hard time believing this, and I regularly doubt my experience.