All the time in middle school and high school, I’ve heard, for example, “My girlfriend doesn’t like that I do X” or “My wife and I did X this weekend”, and since the teacher is a man, it’s seen as acceptable.

Would casually mentioning having a girlfriend cause angry emails from parents, even if I’m not discussing forms of romantic attraction in schools? These kids are like 11-14 anyway, parents’ job to teach orientation (which I’ve heard argued) or not.

Also, we learn relationship descriptions in middle school Spanish if you choose to take it, which includes words like novio, novia, esposo, and esposa. (Shouldn’t matter, especially if the school I teach in is at a non-Conservative community)

    7 days ago

    I’d second this… IMO it’s probably good for the students to moderately hear about… but it just takes one curious student to ask follow up questions, and one super conservative triggered parent to blow everything sky high, and tank your career. So IMO… probably not, unless you are looking to get out of teaching and want to do some good on the way out.