Someone posted a bit ago about the super station one fpga system and i decided to preorder one. Now I’m curious, what would all of your essentials be for the playstation system?

No need to give me a whole list, but if you can share me some of your standouts and why, id appreciate it.

i’ve played very little of ps1 and didn’t even realize it was a system until the ps2 came out!

  • I Cast
    5 days ago

    The majority of Square’s games from the era are some of the best they’ve ever put out, like Chrono Cross, Parasite Eve (1 and 2) and Threads of Fate (aka Dewprism), so they’re always good choices.

    Mega Man X4 is also one of the best of the X series. X5 is still good, avoid X6, it’s very clear how rushed the game is once you start playing.

    I’d put Jackie Chan Stuntmaster in place 25 of Die Hard Trilogy and Soul Reaver on 16 in place of Gex, though every in game cutscene of Soul Reaver is unskippable, but the voice acting is pretty much the very best of the console and holds up well even today.

    Silent Bomber decidedly deserves a playthru, as does C12 Final Resistance

    PS: really hard to read the “mentioned once” list, it’s all a single line without commas or anything