Well put Mr. Tusk.

    • Skull giver@popplesburger.hilciferous.nl
      7 days ago

      Not necessarily. A lot of people (6.9 million according to unrefugees.org) fled the country. That number may be on the low end, as men capable of joining the military fleeing the country may be considered traitors and might therefore flee in secret.

      Ukrainian deaths directly caused by the war is counted in the tens of thousands. Casualties are in the hundred thousands, but “casualty” can mean anything from a broken toe to death.

      Things are beaker on the Russian side, easily having twice or more the deaths and casualties of the Ukrainians.

      The numbers are vague, though. Both sides have good reasons to keep the true numbers a secret, and we won’t hear the true Ukrainian numbers until years after the war (and we’ll probably never find out true numbers from the Russian side). However, it’s not like tens off millions of people are dead.