Yeah, so far I’ve enjoyed JPDB. I switched from Anki, and while there is no offline capability, I prefer it to my experience with Anki in this case. As I’m still early, that doesn’t mean much - the proof will be in how effectively I learn.
It felt good that many of the 6+ month forgotten cards came back to memory without big efforts.
I’ve started and stopped a handful of times over the years. One thing that surprised me was how much easier it was to learn something the 2nd(+) time around.
On JPDB some of the old batches of kanji/vocab are still cropping up. I’m not sure why they weren’t in the first “mass” of long overdue review cards. I forgot them but after a review or two they seem to stick well.
I am just coming back to it after a long break. Resuming kana and JPDB studies.
Sounds like a specific learning system you got there, has it been working out well for you?
Yeah, so far I’ve enjoyed JPDB. I switched from Anki, and while there is no offline capability, I prefer it to my experience with Anki in this case. As I’m still early, that doesn’t mean much - the proof will be in how effectively I learn.
It felt good that many of the 6+ month forgotten cards came back to memory without big efforts.
I’ve started and stopped a handful of times over the years. One thing that surprised me was how much easier it was to learn something the 2nd(+) time around.
It’s apparently an actual thing:
Makes me feel better about learning stuff that I’m not able to reinforce yet.
Thanks, that’s encouraging!
On JPDB some of the old batches of kanji/vocab are still cropping up. I’m not sure why they weren’t in the first “mass” of long overdue review cards. I forgot them but after a review or two they seem to stick well.
That’s quite rewarding: knowing that you retained from past learning! Keep it up! As you know already, it’s all about persistance.