Love a good info dump and really appreciate the explanation. I think you’d be quite happy checking out Sally Pointer on YouTube. She has a lot of info on working with natural fibers. Don’t think she has anything on hemp specifically but I think a lot of her videos are going to be applicable to hemp too. Things like slightly wetting the fiber before working with it are probably things that are going to be quite useful. But it might just be that hemp doesn’t crochet well. She also has many videos on different ways to make fiber into things that are a lot older than crochet and they seemingly all require less looping and bending. She does do a lot of infodumping too, but if you mind that you can always skip over those parts.
Love a good info dump and really appreciate the explanation. I think you’d be quite happy checking out Sally Pointer on YouTube. She has a lot of info on working with natural fibers. Don’t think she has anything on hemp specifically but I think a lot of her videos are going to be applicable to hemp too. Things like slightly wetting the fiber before working with it are probably things that are going to be quite useful. But it might just be that hemp doesn’t crochet well. She also has many videos on different ways to make fiber into things that are a lot older than crochet and they seemingly all require less looping and bending. She does do a lot of infodumping too, but if you mind that you can always skip over those parts.