• melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      7 days ago

      not even during sanders’ second presidential term? you’ve never used our single payer healthcare system? maybe you’re disregarding the impact ending global warming had. that could have gone pretty poorly; i bet wherever you were, it would have suffered a lot of natural disasters prevented by president gore’s sharp interventions and move to a completely green (and slightly nuclear, god that was tough to push through) energy economy? or the obama admin’s opening of borders to refugees, and all the cool like syrian food you’ve probably had?

      are you queer or trans? when the dem congress moved our rights to some flimsy revocable shit to constitutional rights in 2011, along with bodily autonomy that solidified AFAB people as fully human fully equal participants of society, that didn’t help you at all? I bet it did.

      or are you from the evil mirror universe, where these people are just dog shit lying manipulating shit bags who have never helped anyone ever?

          • WagyuSneakers@lemmy.world
            6 days ago

            Well the Dems helped elect a fascist dictator and they’re now writing poetry and coordinating outfits while our freedoms are eroded. Maybe if we just donated more. Despite holding a strong majority they couldn’t seem to pass anything or get anything done. Obama bailed out companies that left the US anyway. Dems abandoned the middle and working class in favor of a shocking small amount of money. Seriously, that information is widely available and our politicians were CHEAP. When our freedom and well being was on the line they phones in the worst presidential campaign I’ve ever seen from a serious candidate and fumbled so hard it’s difficult to believe it wasn’t intentional. Every year I canvassed for these clowns. I volunteered. And they couldn’t even swing the bat when we needed them. It’s obvious they’re complicit.

            Obama and Biden robbed me for the benefit of their donors and now I’m getting told I didn’t campaign for them enough for them. Like I didn’t help flip this area purple and then blue. Apparently we didn’t vote enough to get them to represent my interests at any point over the past 30 years. I’m convinced if I vote for them they’ll just roll over for fascists again. Biden actively let Trump go and let this happen. Trump is a direct result of Dem incompetence or compliance. They’re all on the same team.

            • melpomenesclevage@lemmy.dbzer0.com
              6 days ago

              wait, barack obama? the ‘hope and change’ guy? single payer healthcare, free education, opened borders and created a new social and technological renaisance? the one who nationalized all the banks after they tried to steal the country out from under us (again)? the barack obama who fixed intellectual property law, and made stewardship of corporations that do shady crap a MUCH more legally perilous proposition? The guy who mandated and funded the effort to take our agriculture off petrofertilizers? the one who ended hunger? the privacy guy, who made it so corporations must pay in kind with the records of their executives and major shareholders (or their executives) as well as monetarily when they violate our privacy, and fixed all that constitutional shit like the fourth amendment being toiled paper? The barack obama who made us the most optimistic generation any historian can find?

              THAT obama? damn. what the fuck happened to you people?

              …biden? sorry, had to google that. the community organizer and state assemblywoman? or do you mean her half brother, the former AG of delaware? I didn’t know this off the top of my head, I had to look these people up. did he stay in politics in yours? did the obama era funding and regulation push on terminal cancers not work as well for you guys?

              … it can’t be the wall street guy. oh god it’s the wall street guy isn’t it? what the fuck did he DO? and why is the ten-minute governor of new york anyone’s ‘fault’? he was just a loud real estate shit head. there was a scandal about demolishing some old rotting buildings that were built like garbage in the first place and he attentionwhored about it. ended up governor for ten minutes. he wasn’t great, but he didn’t, like, DO anything. honestly it was kinda funny, if you didn’t mind laughing at him as much as with him whenever he talked. I mean, he raped all those kids, but he was doing that anywa OH MY GOD DID HE ESCAPE THE BLACK SITE IN SYRIA IN YOUR TIMELINE AND DO THE PLOT OF ‘IRON MAN’ BUT (more) EVIL!?

              what the fuck happened over there? who’s looking out for you guys? did president sanders at least get to retire, and not die on the last day of his last term?