Hard pass. Maybe the hardest pass of anyone considering running. He was a shitty chief of staff and a shitty mayor of Chicago. One of Biden’s smartest moves was to make him ambassador to Japan to keep him about as far away from the White House as you can get.
Well he is a major asshole and he does not hide it, which could be a tool against maga. Could bring the balls that the Dems have been lacking… But yeah, maybe not aa president.
Hard pass. Maybe the hardest pass of anyone considering running. He was a shitty chief of staff and a shitty mayor of Chicago. One of Biden’s smartest moves was to make him ambassador to Japan to keep him about as far away from the White House as you can get.
He could have just not given a guy who covered up a murder a job anywhere.
You sure about that? Gavin Newsom is probably running…
Newsom is smarmy, but Rahm Emmanuel is the kakistocracy candidate. I cannot think of a single positive thing he brings to the table.
Well he is a major asshole and he does not hide it, which could be a tool against maga. Could bring the balls that the Dems have been lacking… But yeah, maybe not aa president.