This headline is subtly dismissive.
“Angry” and “right now” both suggest a transient state. That’s not what we’re seeing.
“Canada has finally had enough of the USA” would be a more apt title; or “Canada reaches its breaking point.”
Alongside of the #Never51 hashtag is an almost equally frequent #NeverGoBack. Canada, as a nation, as a people, are making the decision to go their own way, and never be so beholden to any country as we have been to the USA since 1959.
Never. Go. Back.
You’re goddamn right I’m furious.
And no less furious at the weak-kneed Democrats who do nothing as their own country is ripped from them by a clown. “Oh sorry; we’ll try again in 4 years” they say. Fuck your thoughts and prayers, how about do something. You won’t get a free election in 4 years, dummies.
Oh yeah, I realize you’re super busy and with your sportsball games and your reality TV marathons. Your inaction today will haunt your future.
And no this isn’t a call to action or a cry for help. We’re going to be just fine. You’re the ones who have to live there, and live with yourselves knowing you did nothing.
What about the democrats that did something how should they feel?
Bluntly, what have you done for me lately?
What Democrats did is a meaningless platitude.
What are all of you doing right now?
What the fuck should we do with your “we did our part”?
Simply put, You the People cannot be trusted to keep fascism at bay.
If you are ever allowed to vote in a free election again, one third of you will vote for more of this bullshit, and one third of you will refuse to vote.
Collectively, you are untrustworthy.
You the People cannot be trusted to keep fascism at bay.
Of course they can’t. The founding mythology? The military fluffing? The pervasive propaganda over American exceptionalism?
It’s a fascist country. It just doesn’t always have a totalitarian government.
There’s no relevance to “did”. There’s “doing” and “not doing”.
If they took action and failed I don’t hold anything against them. It’s better to try and fail than not try at all.
Unfortunately the scale of what’s happening right now is existential, so they find themselves in the crossfire.
I have the utmost sympathy and care for democrats and independents who tried and failed. I can’t tell them how to feel, but I’d feel scared and helpless.
And no less furious at the weak-kneed Democrats who do nothing as their own country is ripped from them by a clown.
Republican voters enabled another trump dictatorship, not “democrats”.
Their vote made it so that “democrats” have no power in the house, the senate, the office of the presidency, the supreme court, or the dozens of federal agencies that are now being gutted.
Blame them. Blame only them for voting the way they did, because the outcome is exactly what they voted for.
No, fuck this. The best analogy I’ve seen is that the republicans are a school shooter, and the democrats are the uvalde police department. I’m not going to forgive a group thst somehow becomes utterly ineffectual any time they’re needed. This has been brewing for decades. If the democrats were just tooooooooo weak to do anything to prevent it in all that time, what fucking use are they?
That’s like blaming firefighters for not being able to put out fires as fast as arsonists can set them.
Voters are the only reason why Trump is still here. Sure, you can say that democratic representatives could/should be doing more, but aren’t we way past that point now? This is trump’s second term… voters want him in power. As fucking stupid as that is.
It’s more like blaming city council because they refuse to pass any regulations that might reduce the number of fires, because it would hurt their donors in the construction industry.
We are way past the point where democrats could have done anything, and we arrived here because all through my almost fifty year lifetime and before, people on the left have been warning them about the US’s decline towards fascism, the takeover of their media and the dominance of voter suppression, and they’ve chosen to never take any action to stop it. I fail to see why they should escape blame now, after making the bed they are lying in.
It was your fellow man that did this, you really have to face that fact. People will still chose to be dumb and ignorant, and Russia really played into that. Russia has had a singular leadership for the last 30 or so years. No flip-flopping no new fresh faces a singular purpose and that is the destruction of America
of course? All these people are my fellow man. I have no idea what your point is. I don’t think aliens did it.
Republican voters got them elected, Democrats are standing by doing nothing as their country is ruined.
There are no attempts to secede, there are no wide-scale protests or strikes. Their democracy falls while they sit back and fret, laughing along with Jon Stewart and smug in their knowledge they are better that Republicans. For all their much-touted “second amendment” they are idle as a tyrant solidifies power.
I do blame Republican for their actions. But I blame Democrats for their inaction. I’m furious because what I see in them I recognize in myself – it’s a challenge for me to not be complacent and fight for my own country. Because if we coast like they do, we will suffer the same fate.
But I blame Democrats for their inaction.
I don’t deny that much more could have been/could be done. But look at the optics on how this would make trump even stronger:
If you had a democratically elected president who’s being shut down by the minority party, which could be seen as “going against what the people voted for”, and once again trying to “steal the election”. It would justify a horrific ramping up of his rhetoric, and seeing how he released 1500 criminals who were on his side, there would be no stopping domestic (right-wing) terrorists from targeting “democrats”.
In fairness, this timeline is so FUBAR, especially when coming off such a strong economy, highly respected presidencies from Obama and Biden, and relative peace with nearly all allies. In just a few months, Trump and Musk have been undoing hundreds of years of progress, which is unprecedented so say the least.
The States, and the world, are in such uncharted territories right now.
You do realize what you’re saying, right?
You’re saying it would be a tragedy of optics to try to stop a dictator from seizing power. That if democrats do nothing they can avoid being targeted in the short term, while Trump chases after others.
Yes. This specific attitude is what I’m furious about. And I’m going to work my damnedest to stop it happening here in my country.
You may not be able to say that Trump’s actions towards Canada specifically could be predicted in any detail but there was an absurd amount of evidence that he would be erratic, self-serving, and antagonistic towards allies in general. We still elected him. There’s tons of reasons for that and many of us want to latch on to some of them in order to absolve ourselves of individual responsibility for this shitshow, but other countries don’t give a fuck about any of those reasons and we should not expect them to.
If you’re an American, you own this administration in the eyes of the world and that’s exactly how it should be. In fact, I would argue that changing course is not possible until the vast majority of us accept that fact and let it inform our actions going forward.
I just hope people remember than even AFTER the government changes, the companies and people behind them are still the same.
The anger I’m seeing isn’t just at Trump, it’s at Americans in general.
They voted for this lunatic, twice. How can we possibly trust that shit like this won’t ever happen again?
Not to mention the 1/3 of eligible voters who couldn’t fucking be bothered to vote at all. Fuck them too.
Same in Ontario. Thanks for giving us Doug Ford 3 times in a row, non-voters.
Couldn’t agree more. It’s hard for North Americans to get off the couch to cast a ballot.
Well yeah! It’s winter for crying out loud! Also I’m paying for Netflix, prime, Disney,crave… I’m behind on my shows.
It was over 1/3 of people who didn’t vote.
Let’s leave a little bit of anger for those at home who are enthusiastically supporting Poilievre. They would happily lead Canada down the same path as the USA.
That is a different anger budget
That’s one of the biggest things. The first time they voted for Trump, we could forgive them, since it was hard to predict that he would be quite that awful. But this time? They knew. They knew what he was, what he stood for, and what he would do. They knew, and they chose him anyway.
Especially when he spent the four interim years purging the party of anyone not 100% faithful to him, and publicly upping the aggressive rhetoric.
Everyone outside the US who was paying attention saw this coming. If we were blindsided, it was only in how much he’s been able to get away with so quickly; but we knew what most of his goals were.
We can’t and whatever comes after trump will be worse. The US cannot be trusted and is not reliable.
Oh the North Remembers.
Damn right we are fucking mad.
What I can say for sure is the odds that there will be some kind of political or economic rupture between the US and Canada that lasts decades into the future have gone up substantially just over the course of the past few months.
Yup. Trump’s legacy will not be a glowing one at all.
It might be a glowing one. I’m more worried about nuclear war now than I have been since the late '80s.
I doubt that. He fucked up the first time around, broke shit, wrecked things, stole classified documents, convicted of 34 felons, stole PPE from blue states to kill them during covid and millions needlessly died during covid. What happened? Nothing. People don’t really remember any of that. He was never punished for any of his actions or crimes.
Trump is the prime example of American hubris and apathy.
Trump’s legacy will not be a glowing one at all.
It might literally be glowing at this rate. Also smouldering.
A boy can dream…
deleted by creator
Look, I appreciate what you’re trying to say.
But man, do I really not care. When they say “at the US”, it means “at the US”. If there is one silver lining to this whole mess is that it is extremely, fundamentally, not about your feelings right now. We had to watch that trainwreck in slow motion, wondering what entitled nonsense of an excuse you were going to ride all the way to fascism (Gazan eggs, was it?) and now we don’t have to give a crap anymore because it’s done. I intend to take advantage of that.
But hey, you do all those things. If you guys ever come out of the sinkhole send a postcard. I’m sure our own survivors would loooove to know how it all went down from the Commonwealth of Eastasia or whatever is left at that point.
I am an idiot. I was yelling into the void and hoping to reach out and maybe give inspiration? to someone, BUT as an idiot I didn’t realize that I posted in a Canadian community. Yeah, we deserve everything we get. I can’t stand to even talk to other people I work with who helped make the situation the way it is. We are fucked here.
I am sorry
It happens.
Get organized.
Trump’s goal was to sow division
Everything’s going to plan
as instructed by daddy putin
Except he got divisions in the USA and unexpected unity in Canada.
That’s EXACTLY what Putin wanted. Hell, that’s what Putin’s aide wrote as a blueprint for destruction of the west, a decade or so ago.
With a division between the US and Canada
Elbows Up!
I’ve been unhappy with them for years tbh its kind of nice that i’m not alone now. Is anyone else finding it hard to access things on reddit now? Just today, I can click to read about pandas and fluff but try to click on anything canadian tarrif related and nothing happens, can’t read it?
As they should be. This administration is trying to bully them into being the 51st state for absolutely no reason. So dumb and unnecessary!
You have oil. Always look at what he or putin sees as bringing in lots of cash.
Trump is ruining relationship with all of our allies to set up to flip on Russian side.
Canada is surrounded by the USA to the south and Russia to the north. Trump and Putin will be working something out. Being on friendly terms with the USA was foundational to Canada’s security, and now it’s gone.
inb4: Alaska allows Russian military base and Russian military exercises near Yukon and BC
We will fuck those muricans up! ELBOWS UP!!!
Rightfully so
Trump did not campaign on a war with Canada. No one elected him to do this. Everyone who isn’t mad has brainworms.
He literally started this tariffs thing last time too. No one can claim to be blindsided by this.
Everyone who voted Trump - including those mad because they did not elect him to do this - has brainworms.
It’s just that Americans don’t care, so they wouldn’t remember how Trump tried to strong-arm Mexico and Canada using tariffs in his first term. Americans will burn the rest of the world in the hopes of cheaper gas. Now, increasingly burning themselves in hopes of cheaper gas.
Problem is, tens of millions of ignorant people elected him to do whatever. They just liked that he hated educated people, brown people, trans people, women, gays, foreigners, and so on. Apart from that they didn’t really care about the details.
But that’s the thing, they elected him based on his campaign and he never mentioned anything like this during his campaign. If what you say is the case, why did he talk nonstop about grocery prices right up to the election? Did they like the hate? Very much, conservatives are hateful people. It just doesn’t pass the smell test. Invade Mexico? That kind of matches all his other hateful rhetoric for everyone south of the US, but a country full of white people? We only do that if your asian ally bombs us first usually.
If you’re going to judge his plans based on his campaign speeches, then you deserve nothing but ridicule.
It was a full fucking YEAR before the election that he was invited to say he wouldn’t be a dictator, and he declined.
“We love this guy,” Trump said of Hannity. “He says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you?’ I said: ‘No, no, no, other than day one. We’re closing the border, and we’re drilling, drilling, drilling. After that, I’m not a dictator.’"
That was from December of 2023.
Oh, and how about his faithful?
“We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens, who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections,” said Kash Patel (gain, from late 2023)
Here’s an article from a month earlier: "A mass deportation operation. A new Muslim ban. Tariffs on all imported goods and “Freedom cities” built on federal land.
Every single person who voted for Trump in 2024 or didn’t bother to vote at all has explicitly said they support a violent, expansionist, nazi regime. Nearly every person who voted against him did not enough to keep him from gaining power, and ARE STILL NOT DOING ENOUGH. Instead of taking up arms (literally or figuratively) against him, you are defending his voters.
Take some ownership of your problems.
I’d have less trouble believing this if there was any meaningful backlash from his supporters. Currently there isn’t even meaningful backlash from his opposition, so colour me doubtful.
Edit: replied to wrong comment