Born with a lead spoon in my mouth.
Trump did not campaign on a war with Canada. No one elected him to do this. Everyone who isn’t mad has brainworms.
She’s a great science communicator. Another famous Youtuber (Captain D) called her “the Jenny Nicholson of science” her Dark Matter video is my favorite, though her Gell-Mann Amnesia video is a “must watch” imho.
Let? What, is he going to say it’s against the law? Who gives a shit what a felon thinks about rules and who can and can’t do what.
I’m hoping it can pick up stream again. At this point it’s a vehicle for anyone to tell a story and I think the quality dips and peaks based more on the writers and directions, rather than any societal parallels. If this show was some sort of consistent narrative with the same characters, I could see it (i.e. Simpsons, South Park), but Black Mirror is pretty fucking close to a blank slate. There’s no reason we couldn’t have the best seasons in the future, but it really depends on who has the reigns imho.
I gotta say, the moon’s really starting to sound like a fucking snitch.
My personal favorite is him wishing “all the best” for Maxwell after she was arrested, behind the seal of the president.
When the courts said it was legal for a billionaire to spend 250 million to buy votes, I knew there was nothing left of our Democracy. I asked around, no one I knew had 250 million to buy votes for Kamala. Sorry guys.
I thought that’s why you sent Gretzky? You can have him back btw.
I get what you’re saying, though maybe when America becomes the new nazis, we can have a Nuremberg Trial 2.0 and set some new precedents!
Maybe, but relationships between the American and Canadian military are way too entrenched, even if it was a direct order, it’s pretty hard to suddenly point your weapons at someone who’s been a dedicated ally. Though I won’t blame Canadians for being more than a little pissed for quite some time, I just don’t see how this would actually happen.
You may be right. When logic and reason are your enemy, no one will be able to guess your next move (apparently kicking self in nuts repeatedly).
Also! They literally let someone hand out 250 million dollars, openly, and our “courts” gave it the go-ahead - even if it goes against some of the longest standing legal precedent regarding buying votes (done with booze back in the day).
This election wasn’t a thumb on the scale, it was the oligarchs mushroom-stamping humanity.
You can sum up Russian history by saying - “…and then it got worse.” - it seems America and Russia have decided to join hands, so I’m not too optimistic!
Because you can’t really invade a place full of white people like Greenland or Canada. Even the diehard Trump fans would probably not be okay with that. On the other hand, a country full of poor, brown people that have only ever been fucked over by America? Well shit, we can’t wait to bomb them! George Carlin explained it, America loves bombing brown people. Anyone in the US military with the slightest amount of backbone will not follow these illegal orders. See the Nuremberg Trials if you’re not sure what an illegal order looks like. They aren’t even trying with a WMD hoax, this is just an illegal invasion.
The next four years in America, for instance.
I guess I’m pretty suspicious of all states and the control they exert over the average person to use that metric. It’s my opinion that if democracy worked, it’d be illegal (or subverted by a CIA-backed coup).
But that’s the thing, they elected him based on his campaign and he never mentioned anything like this during his campaign. If what you say is the case, why did he talk nonstop about grocery prices right up to the election? Did they like the hate? Very much, conservatives are hateful people. It just doesn’t pass the smell test. Invade Mexico? That kind of matches all his other hateful rhetoric for everyone south of the US, but a country full of white people? We only do that if your asian ally bombs us first usually.