We’re a group of activists in a Western country where most have been brought up with either “Israel = good, Hamas = bad” or “It’s a sad, but unsolvable conflict between two equal sides”. The media heavily skewed to the Israeli perspective, and our politicians want to condemn protests in support of Palestinians. Therefore, unless you purposefully seek out information on what’s going on in Palestine, you won’t really encounter information about the occupation, the apartheid or the human rights violations. There are a lot of gaps in people’s information and understanding of the situation.

Atm there’s a lot of dehumanization, a lot of “Well, what can you do? Hamas keeps attacking Israel, what are they supposed to do?”. I think the Israel=Good is deep-rooted in a lot of westerners. I know it was in me.

We’ve asked ourselves and each other what finally broke through our previous perception, so we could see the inequality and realize that what’s happening is not right

One mentioned seeing a journalist in the back of an ambulance being handed a one-year-old that had passed

One mentioned seeing a video of a caring father saying goodbye to his little girl, kissing her eyes before she was wrapped in the materiale they wrap their dead. The father clearly in denial, smiling and wishing for her to wake up.

A big one for me was being told that it’s not an equal fight. It’s not two equally strong countries. It’s one country with a huge military, and another with barely any. Another was hearing about the human rights violations that’s been going on for decades - the fabricated water shortage, the children in Israeli jails.

I believe these are the moments we need to collect and present to those who are still wary on where they stand.

What broke through to you?

  • Black Devon Hendryx@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    The minute it kicked back off. I’ve always considered Israel to be a standard-bearer of settler-colonialism-- it’s why I wasn’t able to listen to Borgore after a while-- but I never critically investigated why Hamas needed to exist until I stopped and started comparing how similar Palestine’s plight is to what my community has already been through.

    Our neighborhoods bombed. Our fathers murdered in the street. Our children funneled from school to prison. The only reason Amerika doesn’t look like Israel, doesn’t take casualties like Israel, doesn’t fight an armed resistance like Israel, is because Amerika either imprisoned, murdered, or both regarding anyone who could have stepped up to lead an armed resistance in my community. The minute that all clicked for me, I couldn’t even think about condemning any part of the Palestinian joint coalition; ESPECIALLY not Hamas. Shit, Black and Indigenous folk need a Hamas at this point.

    • knfrmity@lemmygrad.ml
      11 months ago

      That shared experience of oppressed peoples everywhere is really key for me.

      As I see right now, the main difference between the USian and Israeli colonial projects is time, and maybe scale.