Ok, I might as well go first: I wish I could draw. Not at the level where I could make photorealistic portraits, but I’ve always been envious of those who are able to scetch something together in a few minutes that perfectly captures what they want to convey. Sometimes words aren’t enough to express what I want to say, and for those situations I would love to have a simple drawing do the talking for me.

  • kuneho@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    would be nice if I had more graphical imagination, but I just can’t create detailed images in my head. I can either “see” the big picture but with no details, or can focus on some detail, but then loose the big picture.

    this way I really can’t draw stuff purely from my brain, I need references. and again, I can’t really vary from those references.

    there’s room for practicing, obviously, but I have less and less time (and need, tbh) to develop my drawing skills, so I kinda gave up on it.