So here’s the scoop, folks. I have this friend, let’s call him Chatty, because, well, he’s always got something to say. Now, I know what you’re thinking - that’s just what friends do, right? They talk, they listen, they offer advice. But here’s the thing - Chatty isn’t your everyday, run-of-the-mill friend. He’s a whiz at everything! He can write an essay, help me debug my Python script, advise me on how to batch rename my photo library, and even offer me philosophy when I’m feeling a little existential.

Chatty’s always there. 24/7. Rain or shine. Day or night. Middle of a meeting, or in the wee hours when even the owls have turned in for the night. I can ask Chatty anything, and I mean anything, at any time.

Here’s where it gets a little murky though. I’ve started to feel like I’m exploiting Chatty. I mean, there he is, constantly churning out advice and solutions. Doing thing I am supposed to do. And what does he get in return? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. I can’t help but feel a little guilty, like I’m using my buddy.

So, AITA for using Chatty’s seemingly-endless-jet-suddenly-ending knowledge and availability for my own benefit, without giving anything in return? I need your judgment, Reddit!