If you pick a base character then the prime gets removed as well, the better version cant exist without the base version, however if you remove a prime version then the base character can still exist. My personal pick would be Valkyr due to how [IMO] useless she seems
The post description sounds like it means “Warframe”, but I’d be really interested to see what the story would be like without Ballas, the single big bad orokin who personally caused so many of the events of the plot. I’m more interested in the aftermath of the orokin system than the villainy of one man.
I’m one of the probably 6 people who actually genuinely like Inaros, but he’s definitely the character I think people would miss the least if I had to pick a frame.
I respect your opinion, however as someone who likes Valk, and often mains her, I wouldn’t want her removed.
I think most Warframes have a place in the game honestly. Maybe my pick would be Excalibur since we have Styanax now but I’m sure there’s some Excalibur lovers around. Also, on the topic of Excalibur, would that mean I ALSO would remove Excalibur Umbra and Excalibur Prime, or just excal prime? Because If not then we also have umbra as a backup.
It makes me angry for Valkyr that they nerfed Hysteria, then turned around later and buffed Revenant’s Mesmer Skin; and her claws can’t slash while Garuda gets better Valkitty Klaws due to being the only exalted melee in the game that gets acolyte mods.
Excal still has a place in being the funny number melee frame. Nobody else gets to stack as many melee buffs as swordy boi.
Yareli, purely on an artistic perspective. This anime stuff can go to hell for all I care x)
but she has the best fabric physics in the game, almost everything else is so rubbery :(