Two IMO on-point excerpts of the article:

The highest-ranked replies are very critical of the post. “What good is our feedback when reddit seems perfectly happy to ignore all of it?” wrote one user. “What’s the point?” Another pointed out that Huffman called mods “landed gentry.” “Show, don’t tell,” wrote another user — to which the admin replied, “Agreed.”

“A beginning of what?” replied one user. “This solves nothing, and just wastes everybody’s time.”

Reddit’s administration is sounding more and more like an abusive SO trying to gaslight you into staying in the relationship. “Baby I’ll listen to you, I swear.”

    1 year ago

    So, we’ve all had a… time on Reddit lately,” said the admin. “And I’m here to recognize it, acknowledge that our relationship has been tested, and begin the ‘now what?’ conversation.”

    I love how they’re just acting like they’ve just had an argument and now it’s over and they’re ready to move on after changing absolutely nothing.

    It’s like being verbally abused at home and you walk out, come back the next day and your partner is like “glad you got that out of your system” and expecting you to go back to “normal” without any sort of apology.

      1 year ago

      Argument with who even? We all are over here, having already left!? :-P

      There comes a point where those that choose to remain are just asking for it, maybe?

          1 year ago

          Judging from posts, the main difficulty of Lemmy is that you have to actually read something to make full use of it. How to pick an instance, how to subscribe, unsubscribe, curate your feed, etc. Then Kbin throws in the curveball that upvotes = boosts while real upvotes = nothing much really, and so on. Granted, it does lack polish.

          People looking for daddy spez to take care of them really are hoping for whatever handouts he is willing to offer - they’ll take it, suck it up, and LIKE it, b/c they do not choose to stand on their own two feet.

              1 year ago

              What was there to learn about Reddit though? Yeah how to use markup but even then you could use the GUI way and then learn from what it did and type it up on your own, but anyway that is optional. Mainly in Reddit you see that there are “subs” and you “subscribe” to them, but if you have ever used a discussion forum before the barrier to entry is extremely small.

              While on Kbin/Lemmy I find that ~75% of the time when I want to upvote/boost/comment to something it takes me to a new page saying just “Error” (no explanation as to what that is, just that). I am pretty sure that it due to me taking time to read something, then minutes later wanting to interact while still on the same page, but the server now does not recognize me, and if I refresh the page then it works (except when it does not, and sometimes even forgets my login entirely, but to notice that even occurred, on a mobile at least I have to scroll over on the top bar, but no don’t click there b/c that scrolls something else entirely! yes, you have to click right there in the sweet spot, to even notice that that happened). The server instability on Lemmy/Kbin, the overall lack of polish, and let us not forget that to even create an account one has to get through the hurdle of understanding the entire Fediverse system, part of which is a lie b/c while it says that you can eventually migrate your account (with all of its threads/etc.), that does not actually exist yet -> all of this will drive casual users away, who do not have the “early adopter” mindset. Non-technical people especially. Like when they search, but cannot find what they want, they are out, immediately.

              Oh, and subs that in Reddit have multiple posts per day or even each hour, here have ~1-2 per week, e.g. vs. the original r/dataisbeautiful (view on while it lasts).

              Notably, I do not blame them - this place does not offer as good of a service to meet their end goals right now, and they are aiming for what works best for them, as should be expected? Maybe one day we will catch up. In some ways I actually hope that we never do - b/c when toddlers/children/teens (I mean emotional, regardless of physical age) start coming here and filling up every comment section on every post (thread) with their emotional vomit (“I LIKE that!” “^This”, “Yup”), it will destroy the functionality of this place the same as it did to Reddit, entirely regardless of spez and his actions. Ironically I do not mind it so much and while I was there I started doing the same, to fit in - it is what it is, and like if this were a Discord server with moment-by-moment chatter, it would be appropriate even; but then where will there exist a place that is not like that, where people can have higher-level discussions, even if they take place more slowly over months rather than seconds to minutes? And involve PARAGRAPHS rather than short sub-word snippets?

              So, it is what it is, good and bad at the same time:-).

      1 year ago

      Because admins can see that that is exactly how it works. The mods who are angry in that thread (as well as the majority mods who weren’t even participating in it) all still continue to let themselves be abused by continuing their mod services on reddit.

      At this point there really isn’t any excuse for continuing being a mod on reddit, no matter how angry their posts in that particular thread are.