• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Lol, enshittification came faster than expected. At least Netflix was successful before the price hike, and then decided to be greedy because their user base was willing to pay.

    On the other side of the fence, Xbox Series consoles tanked harder than XOne (which was already a colossal failure) and Game Pass subscribers fell short of corporate expectations every year since its inception. And they decide that this is the best time to double the price of the service? Good luck with that decision, Microsoft.

    Who is gonna pay $15/month for a catalog of old games? Old games are already cheap enough that you can buy them directly and still “profit” over keeping an ongoing subscription. And $20/month for day one games? At that price, you’re better off just buying the damn game. GP was already hard to justify at its previous price, but this new price point is egregious.

  • I used to think the same way, but one day MS was having server issues on their end, and my XOne refused to play my rightfully owned game despite the disc being in the console. I was also unable to log into my account, which made me unable to save my progress, which made playing the game (if it suddenly decided to work) impossible.

    Consoles were great until the X360/PS3 era. I could buy a disc, insert the disc into the console, and start playing, and the game would probably work fine without much hassle. I played my X360 offline for years and it worked just fine. Nowadays I go to the store, buy the disc, go back home, insert the disc, wait for it to install, and then I discover that the game was not optimized for my console of choice and it runs awfully to the point of unplayability. And if I have no internet connection, tough luck, my console turns into an expensive brick.

    I now just buy on GoG. Much easier that way. Console exclusives are ported to PC anyway, so you’re not missing anything. You also get nice perks like playing online for free if you’re into multiplayer games, or playing older games on emulators (and current ones, because fuck Nintendo).

  • I bought a bunch of indie games that looked cool: Alwa’s Legacy (I’m playing it right now, it’s pretty fun), Night in the woods and Phoenotopia: Awakening. I also bought Dishonored (which I played back in the days, but I’m eager to replay one of these days, alongside its DLCs).

    Risky purchase of the week: King of Dragon Pass. Never heard of it, but the reviews were positive and the screens look interesting, so I decided, why not.

    I also really, really wanted to buy I was a teenage exocolonist, because it’s one of my favourite games from 2022, but the GoG version still hasn’t been updated to the recent patch, and seems like it never will. Shame.

    EDIT July 2024: I mailed the publisher to ask them if they were willing to update the GoG release of their game, and they immediately went and did it! You can add I was a teenage exocolonist to my GoG recommendation list. It’s a great game that really deserves your time.

  • I’m not making shit up though, I’m literally citing the source of the article that this entire comment section is writing about.

    Maybe Humble Bundle has a deal with Steam. Maybe Steam doesn’t care about going after a developer for selling a game five cents cheaper on another storefront. I don’t know, and I’m not going around accusing people of wrongdoing on the basis of some kind of conspiracy theory (“something stinks”).

    If the lawsuit turns out to be fake, that’s good, and users are safe. If it turns out to be true, then great, they’ll make Steam to change their practices, just like they forced them to allow users to refund their games under certain circumstances.

    I’m sure as hell not jumping into a comment section spending my time defending a multi-million dollars corporations that already overpays lawyers to do that.

    (Btw I saw the game on Steam as 19,50 and forgot to check the currency; it’s actually euros on my screen and I was comparing it to the 19,95 dollars from Bundle, so yeah, my bad.)