• 5 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月13日


  • Its worse than that. A corporation starts a charity or gives 100k to one. Real nice right? Nope.

    They will:

    1. use that to decrease their tax burden, robbing the commons of their share of taxes to repair the infrastructure their semi-trucks and businesses disproportionately use and tear up, the public educated, pre-literate workforce they have access to, and then…

    2. they ADVERTISE how noble they are, spending millions upon millions in ad buys to tell you what how awesome they are for donating that 100k. They use the guise of what is supposed to be giving with no expectation of return, ie “charity,” as a marketing strategy, and then…

    3. They use such initiatives as lobbying tools to explain why their industry doesn’t need to be taxed to institutionally, societally address the issue that is currently subject to the transient whims of charity.

    There is nothing a publically traded corporation does that isn’t done out of greed, that isn’t calculated to provide more return than dispursment. Nothing.

    Charity with any expectation of return, beyond a warm fuzzy feeling inside, isn’t charity at all, but there is a word for it: a transaction.

  • Don’t worry, Mr. Oligarch, the peasants will always be too busy tearing one another down over petty social issues that the economic prison you own causes or exacerbates by design.

    Your division propaganda machine is working as intended. Half of the working class is so deluded and confused that they’d take a bullet for a “job creator” like you. In most of this prison camp, saying an unkind word about the owner class will be met with ignorant ridicule and scorn. You’re fine. You got us good.

    If you want to worry, worry about the climate change your class caused wiping us all out. You can’t bribe, divide, trick, or bargain with that.

  • It’s a numbers thing and it’s why empathy tends to diminish as population swells.

    Here it feels like community, like one’s opinion is appreciated. Reddit became a place to hope you get acknowledged at all, where swaths of the community came solely waiting to shout others down and win a fight.

    Unfortunately, for all of Reddit’s faults, that wasn’t a reddit thing, that was just a glaring, crippling defect inherent to humanity. As numbers increase here, that old familiar reddit apathy and antagonism will return. Just play the game of what would you be willing to do, not just rhetoric, for a random person in your circle of friends vs someone from your town/city vs the world. Psychologists call it psychic numbing.

  • Someone born to wealth can fuck around for years as a junkie, get sent to a luxury rehab with programs like equestrian therapy that is basically a stay at a luxury spa, and then waltz into a boardroom, bark orders, and collect millions of dollars they will then claim to have earned due to their strong work ethic.

    Meanwhile a poor person that pursued a degree for a societally necessary profession like teaching or nursing only to find out that our society doesn’t value society and won’t pay them well enough to dig themselves out of trying to better themselves from the day they turned 18, and have at least half this ignorant, dipshit country condescend and blame them for their bad decisions.

    Our incentive structures are perverse, and we root against our fellow citizens instead of cooperating and elevating one another like a society would. Honestly I’m glad the whole fucking system is mid-collapse. The pain of this collapse pales in the face of the generational servitude and misery this insatiable greed driven economy would inflict if it had found a way to persist.

  • A lot of class traitors will defend their lifelong, generational oligarch oppressors to defend that pathetic dopamine hit.

    The oligarchs rule without end with 2 simple tricks:

    1. Stoking social division between the peasants, ie abortion back and forth, civil rights back and forth, and…

    2. making the labor class dependent on shallow social opiates, like for profit social media, to make them afraid that disrupting the system that crushes them will cost them that next shallow dopamine hit that is the only thing they have to look forward to.

  • We’re all going to be foolish from time to time in life, and I sure know I’d sincerely appreciate a kind hand when it’s my turn.

    It depends on your net worth. I see Americans wish death on homeless people for lowering property values and insisting they did it to themselves. I see Americans telling student loan debtors who committed the crime of buying the lie and improving themselves being laughed at for their struggles.

    Meanwhile a wealthy person can go to a fancy rehab for years of acting like a belligerent, intoxicated asshole, be called brave for it, and have their job with massive salary waiting for them after it all.

    Second chances (and third, and fourth…) are for capital holders. Poor people half to walk a tightrope from birth and be both lucky and perfect to improve their station, with plenty of people ready to scold them for trying the moment they fall.