Hi, we are a Berlin based social enterprise with a small team, working to a great extent pro bono (making less noise as others with a huge marketing budget). We made a radical move last year and step by step eliminated all US-American big tech components and, as a logical consequence turned GOOD Search into an ad-free search engine (as Google and Microsoft control the entire search engine advertising market). Find here a nice recent article about us:
Hi, we are a Berlin based social enterprise with a small team, working to a great extent pro bono (making less noise as others with a huge marketing budget). We made a radical move last year and step by step eliminated all US-American big tech components and, as a logical consequence turned GOOD Search into an ad-free search engine (as Google and Microsoft control the entire search engine advertising market). Find here a nice recent article about us: https://en.reset.org/the-good-search-engine-web-search-without-advertising-benefits-users-and-the-climate/