
  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I just realised that I’ve blocked posts containing the last name of the famous felon who got shot recently long ago. I went into Lemmy to see any news about it and found it weird that there weren’t many, now it makes sense.😆

    (In my keywords I’ve only filtered this name and the first name of the other guy with the space/car company.)

  • I can’t help much, just gonna say that it’s so annoying when they dont take you seriously and they essentially gaslight you into thinking whatever they believe is true, without bothering to do proper (lab) tests…

    (I had to go to ~5 different doctors for someone to kinda take me seriously and prescribe lab tests. As surprizing as it may seem, lab tests ~diagnose external and internal infections better than an eye with a magnifying glass…) If possible, check reviews on google maps or wherever try another doctor and before you go make sure they’re gonna do whatever test you want (insist if needed).

    I ~suppose your doctor checked if there’s any earwax and tried to clean it, right? (I had to go twice for that, it blocked a lot of sound.)

    Hope your ears eventually recover🥲

  • Sour cherry juice probably the most feequent. Though if there’s food, I’ll probably pick the food option.

    As for why, well, I don’t really go the bars for the drinks, but instead for the company, to talk with my friends and have fun. I buy a drink or food as “entrance fee” and I use the calories to keep me from starving. If there’s any fancy non-alcoholic/non-caffeinated drink (or food) I may pick it as a change. I also dislike alcohol and its culture which society tries to push so hard to everyone (especially younger people), thus it’s my way of acting agaist this. For me it doesnt taste well, it’s literary cancerous poison that helps mask social anxiety without solving the issue, only extending it and there are companies making huge profits by harming so many people out there. It’s sad. I want to be the one having fun, not alcohol. (Btw I’m not in favor of banning alcohol, this may only cause more issues. A proper approach would probably be to teach people for the issues and (possibly the hardest part) to have a better society without so many struggles which tend to push people to drink alcohol.)

    (I recently found out that there is a “straight edge” community inside punk community and I seem to kinda align with them :) (I’m not talking about the hardline community, I think this may not even be considered punk).)

    Lol, I don’t know if you expected a text-wall when asking this, but well, there you are.😅

  • Blastboom Strice@mander.xyzOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlMood
    18 days ago

    Smart move the latter, ~didn’t think it.

    About the former, I recently realized in practice that it’s important to pick up activities etc. that you like and that attract people you can bond with. For example I like weightlefting at gym, but I realized it attracts so many people with repulsive ideologies, while I tried dancing and mobility classes the same gym offers and the environment was much much better, I found many good people there. (I still do weightlifting though and I found some good people there too.)

    Plus, voicing your opinions helps a lot to filter people (I’m struggling a lot with this though).

  • Blastboom Strice@mander.xyzOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlMood
    18 days ago

    Lol, people here do a lot of assumptions. I typically do like ~9k steps each day, I spent a lot of time outside, go to gym etc. but 1)having hard tasks to do and 2)spending a lot of time alone (alone meaning without interacting face to face with real friends) for various reasons contributes to this.

  • Blastboom Strice@mander.xyzOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlMood
    18 days ago

    I’m just checking my social media apps for any new messages and maybe droify for updates. After checking them in the morning I kinda think to myself that now job is done and any more time I spend of my morning on them is kinda wasted. Checking social media from time to time and speaking with your friends seems kinda healthy, but doomscrolling is kind of a waste after a point (happens if I’m too bored to start my day).

    The thing is, after I check all these, I might go in a loop due to boredom (boredom may have many many reasons behind it). When I have tasks to do or I’m in a period that my friends and I are busy, this is more intense. The phone is an easy and portable distraction. All these contribute to an increase of phone usage (currently I’m in one of those situations and phone usage has increased probably by at least 50%).