Ite takes 92,000 complaints for Spotify to enforce their own policies regarding dehumanizing content? Great work, Spotify!
Just read the article. Thank you for sharing. Please don’t share with anyone else out of fear that Trump sees it too.
Best of luck to all the poor schmucks who are living near a fault line or a hurricane alley. Hope the savings will cover you losing everything.
My wife and I chose not to go to Portland on a holiday this March, and she’s American. We joke that she may get deported to Mexico because she’s a Latina.
Unsurprised to see AB being the last to join, even though they have the lowest rate of students participating in a school food program. These are federal funds too! Just take the money and feed the kids ffs.
That sounds like great news! Unless of course if you’re the owner of a crypto farm sucking up a limited resource. Sure glad to live in a province governed by sane people.
Protesting works because it is visible. When done right it can create a groundswell of support from people who are usually apathetic.
I’ve been substituting “illegal” with “unfair” like a 6-year old might say it.
What agreement? Ford blinked first. Trump’s tariffs are still in place. Ford showed weakness, thus jeopardizing our collective position.
Right, but I meant guarantees like becoming member of NATO.
What guarantees are those? And why are you putting them between the quote marks?
Jesse Plemons, Walton Goggins, and Michael Shannon
When he’s saying “we” he just means himself and his lackeys
Should have just changed Black for White. That way they can save on paint and literally have the same effect.
“we’ve tried nothing and we’re already out of ideas”
Without security guarantees, this isn’t a “peace” deal, it’s a capitulation and an invitation for future aggression from Russia.
Can we just lie to them and say we got none to spare. This, solving this “crisis.”
Actually, no haha
Well, you see before it was a random stranger, but NOW it’s a random stranger in a lab coat.