🏳️‍⚧️ Edward (any)

Autistic danish baby-commie (the liberalism is still strong in this one).

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • In justification of the crucifixion of Czechoslovakia at Munich it was said that [the Soviet Union] could not be trusted and that her assistance would not be worth much in any case. On the points there could be honest difference of opinion, but not about the diplomatic record. Certainly the Czech Government did not doubt [the Soviet Union]'s sincerity. At a session of the Harris Institute at the University of Chicago in August 1939 I asked President [of Czechoslovakia] Benes whether [the Soviet Union] would have supported him had he decided to fight in September 1938. He replied, without an instant’s hesitation: “There was never any doubt in my mind that [the Soviet Union] would aid us by all the ways open to her, but I did not dare to fight with [Soviet] aid alone, because I knew that the British and French Governments would make out of my country another Spain.”

    Denna F. Flemming; The Cold War and Its Origins, 1917-1960; Vol 1, 1917-1950; Page 84

    All the [the Soviet Union] is just replacing Russia (the author likes using Russia instead of SU), it changes the quote in no way.

  • Russia leaving is apparently never an option when they talk about possible solutions

    Yes… it isn’t. Thats how reality works. Russia isn’t going to just up and leave. They aren’t going to have thousands of their own people killed and then just… nothing. They have goals, they want to meet them, and if not then at least get somewhat of a victory. The people in Russia aren’t going to like “oh, we just left”. I don’t fucking understand how people can say “the war ends when russia [just up and leaves]”. This isn’t fantasy land, that isn’t how it works. Russia will leave, if Ukraine negotiates a peace with them. If Russia wants land then UK has to negotiate for that not to happen.

  • the eleventh hour american proposal

    Not exactly “eleventh hour”, it was submitted on the 29th of Sept, 4 days after the Albanian (et al.) proposal on the 25th of Sept. A truely eleventh hour proposal can be seen with the Saudi Arabian A/L.638 submitted on the day of the vote (25 Oct.)

    Also… From A/PV.1976:

    Mr. MALILE (Albania):
    73. The explanations we have heard here concerning draft resolution A/L.632 are completely unfounded. This draft is basically an integral part of the anti-Chinese attempt of the United States of America to legalize its “two Chinas” plot and is designed to sabotage the approval of the draft resolution of the 23 States, including Albania [referring to A/L.630, which would expel the RoC and invite the PRC. It became the draft that was adopted]. The content of such a draft is illegal. It seeks to open the way to the United States manoeuvre aimed at involving the United Nations in the domestic affairs of the Chinese people, which is the aim of draft resolution A/L.633 [keeping the RoC in the UN, but replacing it with PRC on Security Council]. As has been clearly pointed out, that draft resolution is in flagrant contradiction with Article 18 of the Charter. It goes without saying that the Article cannot be applied to our draft resolution.

  • I looked into it a little. The meeting records (see A/PV.1976 below the video) states that they are voting on A/L.632, which is:

    The General Assembly,
    Recalling the provisions of the Charter of the United Nations,
    Decides that any proposal in the General Assembly which would result in depriving the Republic of China of representation in the United Nations is an important question under Article 18 of the Charter.

    Article 18, §2:

    Decisions of the General Assembly on important questions shall be made by a two-thirds majority of the member present and voting.

    So, indirectly they are trying to split them. But the vote is not directly on that.