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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2022


  • Pennsylvania, depends on what you’d like exactly. Small city? Lancaster fits the bill perfectly. Big city? You have Pittsburg. Massive city? Philadelphia.

    I’d vouch for Lancaster though, it’s very blue, very diverse, the area is on the cheaper side; and the city is thriving and growing extremely well. It’s a quaint little city. Further you get access to the absolutely gorgeous Appalachia with just a 20min-1 hour drive to various breathtaking national parks, state parks, lakes, mountains, and game lands.

    The city is very walkable and is mainly pedestrian focused with a pretty good public transit system. Everyone also bikes everywhere and they are more common then cars. There are also several colleges and the historical Franklin and Marshall College so the area is maintained well and looked after.

    Plenty of houses and apartments for less then 500k and the vast majority of the market is under 800k with not many outliers.

    Climate is temperate year round, you have access to a major city as Philly is 1 hour away, there are scenes for pretty much anything, LGBT? Check. Art? Check. Film? Check. Alcohol? Check. Politics? Check. There’s something for every hobby.

    Due to Franklin and Marshall and several companies there is a decently sized programmer, streamer, Youtuber, and computer scene as well since you might be interested in that.

    The broadband and internet infrastructure is also very good and you can have direct access to fiber ground wire if you pay, so internet speeds can be lightening fast.

    It honestly ticks all your boxes!

  • Everything you described is just capitalism.

    Governments have never “just let business fail” because under capitalism and its drive to consolidate and monopolize, the government will become an arm of corporate power. The weak and corrupt politicians are by design. The corporate welfare is by design.

    This has been been seen throughout the history of capitalism and is the logical conclusion to its processes and theories. If you have a system based on infinite growth and profit seeking, the system will always devolve to exploitation, monopoly, and government control. Why? Because it’s profitable.

    The very foundation that corporations working in their self interest will be a benefit to society is rotten, and has been shown to never work time and time again.

    The only progress we have seen has come from public endeavors, independent actors, and the people. Never corporations. Only thing we get from corporations is 35 different types of Oreos and 20 different types of toothpaste all owned by the same company.

  • Its never stated outright but several factions operate in a very anarchistic or socialist way. For example in canon, Saw Guerra and his partisans were modeled very closely off of the Yugoslavian partisans in WW2, and it could be said that Saw is an anarchist in his thought, though his exact politics are extremely muddy. Funnily enough, his name is supposed to be a mirror of Che Guevara, and its very easy to see the similarity.

    Or another major part of the Rebel Alliance were various CIS holdouts and defectors, which was a movement that included several planetary independence movements and organizations that wished to remove the corrupt nature of the Republic from their systems (even if the movement was hijacked and orchestrated by mega corporations and capitalists). For example the Onderon rebels during the Clone Wars.

    An example of the previous scenario is pretty clearly shown in Cassian Andor, who starts off as a very aimless freedom fighter and criminal, but is influenced significantly by Karis Nemik and takes to heart his manifesto. Which reads as if it could have essentially been lifted right from Lenin’s writings.

  • That’s why that’s disgusting, they target retirees for the menial jobs like the Exchange or Commissary, just to avoid paying someone else more to do a job they can exploit a poor retiree into doing.

    You have no clue about my life or what I’ve done or where I’ve been. I say “around the military” because I’m not moronic enough to attach personal information to a forum site. I’m also not doubly moronic enough to sign up for a MOS 11B/C. I know the varied and and different reasons people join the military, and I’m telling you, the vast majority from experience are 1. The poverty stricken who are desperately trying to escape (also included are those joining for housing, food, college tuition, and Tricare) 2. The Jingoistic morons who think killing “Hajis” is defending the freedom of America 3. The career officers 4. Military family children. 5. Those who couldn’t make it in college and decided to join up.

    PTSD, suicide, depression, anger, domestic issues, and so much more are the result of guys being traumatized to hell and back from watching their buddies get blown to bits by an IED, killing unarmed civilians, taking the lives of “terrorists” who are doing the same thing anyone would do if their country was invaded, and so on.

    Only the career officer desk jockeys and psychotic nationalist pieces of shit look back on their service fondly. Because at the end of the day, what exactly were you doing? What did you accomplish? Was it worth it?

    If you can serve and still find meaning in defending the US fucking army, then why bother calling yourself a leftist. Might as well go fully mask off.