• 13 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • DdCno1@beehaw.orgtoGaming@beehaw.orgVR is so 90s
    9 hours ago

    Das war knapp ein Jahr bevor ich mich ernsthaft angefangen habe, mit dem Thema zu beschäftigen, aber um dir ein paar Anhaltspunkte zu geben: 10 DM im Jahre 1997 entsprechen 8,39 € heute. Die Preise für die Joysticks, Gamepads und Lenkräder entsprechen grob den Preisen, an die ich mich erinnere (wobei ich selbst als Kind nie ein Gamepad für 15 DM gekauft hätte - das konnte nichts taugen). Gerade Lenkräder waren trotz niedriger Qualität (Force-Feedback war selten und die Verarbeitungsqualität dürftig) generell sehr teuer zu der Zeit. Die Spiele sind fast alle zwei Jahre alt (Pearl war und ist eine Resterampe) und entsprechend etwas reduziert im Vergleich zum Neupreis. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, fing die Software-Pyramide erst im Jahr darauf an, den Preis von älteren PC-Spielen deutlich nach unten zu treiben, entsprechend können das durchaus normale Preise sein.

    Das VR-Headset war zu dem Zeitpunkt ebenfalls zwei Jahre auf dem Markt, ziemlich lausig (263x230 pro Auge waren selbst 1995 nicht der Brüller), die Firma dahinter bankrott und das Gerät entsprechend stark reduziert, aber immer noch kostspielig. Es gab freilich keine Alternative für Heimnutzer. Ich konnte keine Preise von anderen Händlern aus dem Jahr finden, entsprechend kann ich dir nicht sagen, ob das ein gutes Angebot war. Der Rabatt ist aber echt.

    Zum Vergleich ein kleiner Exkurs: Ein Budget-PC kostete in dem Jahr (ohne Bildschirm) um die 2000 DM - und mit einem lausigen kleinen 14 oder 15 Zoll CRT, dem man nicht mehr als 800x600 Pixel zumuten sollte, gerne noch mal 500 DM mehr. Der Durschschnittspreis für einen PC mit Internetzugang lag in dem Jahr bei 4621 DM. Die hohen Preise sind ein Grund dafür, warum selbst 1998 nur 38,7% der Haushalte in Deutschland über einen Computer verfügten.

    Außerdem war anders als heute die teure Hardware sehr schnell veraltet: Der schnellste Prozessor im Jahre 1997 lief mit 500MHz, aber nur zwei Jahre später wurde die Gigahertz-Grenze durchbrochen - und Software, gerade Spiele, neigte viel eher als heute dazu, relativ neue Hardware vorauszusetzen. Schönes Beispiel: Dieser High-end PC von 1997 für 6666 DM hat einen 500 MHz Prozessor, 64 MB RAM und eine 4 GB Festplatte. Wir haben 2001 unseren ersten PC gekauft, für ca. 1800 DM: 1,3 GHz, 128 MB RAM, eine richtige (wenn auch lausige) Grafikkarte in Form einer Geforce 2MX und 10x so viel Festplattenspeicher.

    Was ich damit sagen will: OK-Preise für Technik im Jahre 1997 waren immer noch viel Moos.

  • Sooo, since I have you as an enthusiast here: The only Silent Hill I’ve ever played was Shattered Memories way back when (I actually have a rare pre-release press copy). Clever game and equally scary. Which game should I pick up first if I wanted to seriously get into this series? This new remake of Silent Hill 2? The original Silent Hill? Shattered Memories again?

  • DdCno1@beehaw.orgtoGaming@beehaw.orgVR is so 90s
    24 hours ago

    Ahh… Pearl. Home of every kind of future landfill fodder disguised as tech (and even some legitimate products), dubious feature lists and even more dubious included bonuses for almost 30 years. At least the cover girls aren’t dressed like discount Playmates anymore.

    I like how on this page they aren’t specifying the “car racing game” and “full version of well known flight simulator” packed in with the “Multi-Gamestation^Plus”. I think I can hear the creaking of this thing’s cheap, hard plastic through space and time. It seems like the VR headset and 3D glasses weren’t shipping enough units, given that this is at least the second time they discounted them:


    But they made up for it by driving up the price of the “Multi-Gamestation^Plus” a little.

  • It is undeniably satisfying though to turn all settings in a game up to maximum without performance tanking, but you and I (same card, but 1440p screen) are not the target audience. This is for people who want (and can afford) at least 4K with ray-tracing in the latest games and all of this at triple-digit frame rates - or they are actually using it for non-gaming applications: Even our old 2080 is a beast for tasks like offline rendering, scientific calculations, machine learning, etc. - and a 4090 is of course several times better at this.

    I know this is going way off-topic, but I love providing a bit of perspective: The fastest supercomputer in 1996 was the Hitachi CP-PACS/2048 at 368.20 GFLOPS. In 1997, it was the Intel ASCI Red/9152 at 1.338 TFLOPS. An RTX 2080 achieves 314.6 GFLOPS at 64-bit precision (as used by the TOP 500 list of supercomputers) and an RTX 4090 1.290 TFLOPS. Granted, despite similar processing power on paper (and FLOPS being hardly an objective measure to compare vastly different architectures and systems), even ancient supercomputers still have modern GPUs beat in terms of the amount of memory alone (although latency is of course far worse): 128 GB (2,048 * 64 GB MB) in case of the Hitachi system, for example.

  • This is so strange to hear. I loved Frostpunk, but found it to be the very opposite: Far too easy and forgiving, which made the finale in particular, as the music swells up dramatically and the storm reaches its peak, feel kind of anticlimactic, because everyone was well-fed and warm(ish) in my settlement on my first attempt of playing it. Not one person froze or starved to death, no kids were sent into the mines and we most certainly didn’t serve a 19th century spin on Soylent Green.

    I know this sounds like I’m bragging, but I think the reason why this game felt so trivially easy to me is that I grew up with far more complex, challenging and punishing city builders, like Caesar 3, Pharaoh, The Settlers 2, 3 and 4, Anno 1602 and 1503, etc. I must have played many hundreds of hours of Caesar 3 alone, watching city after city succumb to fires, pestilence, barbarians and unrest until I figured out how to deal with these issues. There are so many more variables and difficult decisions in these games compared to Frostpunk, despite their idyllic presentation. Frostpunk’s core city building mechanics suffer from the very idea the narrative and the few scripted decisions aim to avoid: Pretty much every problem the player has to face when building the city has an ideal and obvious solution (if you know your city builders). It’s more of a puzzle game than an actual city builder. A very pretty and atmospheric one, which is why I enjoyed the brief campaign, but still.

    I hope this encourages you to pick it up again. It may seem difficult at first glance, but once you figure it out, you can cruise your way through it with little effort and spend most of your time looking at the pretty graphics, waiting for the next scripted event.

  • In order for Sony to sell the game again and a PS5 (or PS5 Pro) to you - or at least, in a couple of years, the remaster to those who bought the original PC port. There are still about twice as many PS4 than PS5 consoles due to a lack of both exclusives and actual reasons to switch over to the newer system. It doesn’t help that more and more people are realizing that one should replace any mention of “the economy” in the media with “rich people’s yacht money”, given how little average people are benefiting from it anymore, which means disposable income is down. The PS4, despite being almost 11 years old now and still relying on a mechanical HDD (unless you upgrade it), is simply “good enough” in the eyes of many. Microsoft has the same issue, of course, except from a much weaker position in the market. The law of diminishing returns makes newer consoles a hard sell.

    At the same time, PC gaming is highly accessible, PC hardware is lasting longer for gaming than ever before (in large part due to the longevity of the previous console generation keeping hardware requirements of most multiplatform games in check) and now that former exclusives are finding their way over at a reliable pace, there are fewer reasons for those that are primarily playing on PC to get a console just for the exclusives. As fantastic as Astrobot looks and as much as I appreciate the return of the classic 3D platformer with physics and shiny new graphics, it won’t make me purchase a PS5 any time soon or ever.

    Sony is still producing both PS4 and PS4 Pro (whereas Microsoft discontinued both Xbox One consoles four years ago; they are still supporting the previous gen though), games are still being developed for them, despite first party studios having switched over to PS5 by now. Third party developers who were once happy about the low number of hardware variations they had to deal with now have to handle up to nine different systems if they want to release a game on all currently supported games consoles (ten when Switch 2 comes out) - plus PC and Steam Deck, which might just as well be another console as far as developers are concerned. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen cross-gen games that aren’t just yearly sports titles being made for this long into a new generation at such a large scale. We certainly haven’t had such a wide variety of systems since the early home computer era, even if their architectures and capabilities are much more similar now than they were back then.

  • I wouldn’t call €1300 (cheapest 8K TV where I’m living) outrageously expensive. You can easily spend this much on a 4K TV without straying into true high-end territory.

    I remember when the first “mass market” flat screen TVs came about around in the late '90s. The earliest one I saw with my own eyes was still years away from HD, hardly even flat by modern standards (I think it was a plasma TV), but cost a cool 20 grand. The store had it behind a small fence so that people wouldn’t accidentally damage it. I was not impressed by the image quality and it was actually smaller than the largest CRT TVs I had seen. Maybe 30" at best.

    Either way, even with a handful of games now supporting real or upscaled 8K, the issue of a lack of content remains. Streaming services rarely support it beyond the odd demo video on YouTube and even if they did, they are hardly what you go for if you want good image quality, given how mercilessly they compress their content to save on bandwidth costs. There’s no 8K Blu-Ray yet and there might not ever be one. By the time there is a decent amount of 8K content available, the current lineup of 8K TVs will be hopelessly outdated and likely not even support future standards.

    Really the most useful application for these I can think of right now is showing photos in all of their glory to bored relatives and friends. 8K is slightly more than 33 megapixels, after all, whereas 4K is just over 8 megapixels. Landscape photography in particular benefits a lot from being seen at higher resolutions.