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Joined 9 days ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2024

  • I actually agree that “good enough” code can be self-documenting, but it isn’t always enough to achieve my goal which is to make the code understandable to my audience with minimal effort. With that goal in mind, I write my code as I would write a technical document. Consider the audience, linear prose, logical order, carefully selected words, things like that… In general, I treat comments as a sort of footnote, to provide additional context where helpful.

    There are limits to self-documenting code, and interfaces are a good example. With interfaces, I use comments liberally because so many of the important details about the implementation are not obvious from the code: exactly how the implementation should behave, expected inputs and outputs under different scenarios, assumptions, semantic meaning, etc. Without this information, an implementation cannot be tested or verified.

  • I will read that post sometime (maybe). I wasn’t really referring to some well defined thing, but rather to something that happens naturally when complex software development is done right. Quasi-scientific: make assumptions, build the thing, test assumptions, update assumptions, rinse and repeat. The “architecture” ends up being the collected knowledge about the system which emerges from the development.

    Something like that anyway. Interested to read about One and Two Way decisions.

  • Afaict wine uses XWayland. Sometimes with my games I’ll have problems like the game running on one display and expecting input from the other, even when I’ve switched the second display off with wlr-randr. I also have occasional UI scaling problems. Most things works well most of the time though.

    With a good compositor, Wayland itself is probably ready enough for most cases. A lot of applications need to be updated to better support it though., and that seems like a lot of work.