• 3 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • This article is about the plight of afghani women and you’ve instead shifted away from the victims to cry about NATO. Can we not discuss anything without running unprompted to the comments to cry about how the US didn’t make this issue any better?

    We don’t need a comment on every article about how the us bad, we need comments related to the actual article. This is why so many people around the world talk about how americans act like they are the entire world. This article isn’t even from an american outlet.

    Like seriously… Can we not condemn the absolute horrid treatment of women without making the conversation about the west?? Why is that so hard? These things are related deeply to culture, history, religion and that should be allowed to be discussed.

  • I agree, but there are a lot of people with their heads (willfully or not) in the sand. All the wild stuff we’re all terribly aware of they have ignored or passed on because they didn’t have the time or motivation to dig into it and find the truth.

    Stories like this one, the SC immunity nightmare etc. are still useful because they act as a hook to pull people into the discourse from the sidelines and at the same time keep these things relevant amidst Trump’s unending firehose of falsehoods and projections

  • Too little, too late

    The SC literally just granted this power. What was he supposed to do, force them not to release the ruling? He could not have packed the court in any way to cancel out this 6-3 majority in time

    Thanks, you fucking primary DNC voters.

    how would that change the ruling?? It is not a simple thing at all to reform the highest court, especially amidst these last few insane years. Biden or another D, it is not something that can just be done. You’re acting like Biden had the chance to just sit down in a chair but chose not to.

    You should be thanking the unelected supreme court fascists.

  • Edit: still, im voting for him…

    That edit is the whole problem democrats don’t have any consequences for being shitty.

    yeah! Let’s just not vote at all and hand trump and the federalist society the election!

    If this election is so important than fucking do something popular Jesus Christ.

    Biden has done a FUCK TON of stuff for the average american, especially in the face of the do-nothing MAGA congress. You’re mad because Biden isn’t immediately whipping his dick out to fuck over the supreme court with the insane amount of power they just handed him? Grow the fuck up, jesus christ. The LAST thing we need are knee-jerk emotional reactions instead of calculated tactics.