this is stupid. The existence of an infinite number of universes does not at all imply they must represent infinite variability.
this is stupid. The existence of an infinite number of universes does not at all imply they must represent infinite variability.
if Skyrim has taught me anything it’s that chickens are fucking snitches
a HDD can fail at any given time. It could fail within a week of buying it, could last over a decade.
What I’m saying is, if you have data you don’t want to lose, yes you should be worried. Keeping backups is the only safe option.
it wouldn’t be much of a joke if we didn’t pretend to take it seriously no?
thats what happens when short term profit is king I guess
meanwhile, on hells kitchen:
While I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with the ban…
In what way is this a free speech ban?!
how I imagine this interview:
Holy fuck they want me to pay ~70€/$ per month to read that!
It isn’t fair, my precious, is it, to ask us what it’s got in it’s nassty little pocketsess?
the beforemath and the aftermath
That is some serious fourh wall shit, with the sunlight blurring the subtitles.
Oh wow that is a punishment outweighing the crime if I’ve ever heard one.
at least in lord of the rings and the hobbit
On the other hand Tolkien was quite clear on that the story was told from the perspective of the protagonists. Not least through the strong insinuation that the in-universe book that Bilbo started, Frodo continued, and Sam finished, is if not the book we are reading, at least an important source for it.
Lord of the rings telling them as evil mostly shows that’s how the fellowship saw them.
I’m pretty sure both directions are regulated, and the only reason it went up is some slight change in the voltage reading due to temperature or somesuch. All that I believe will happen here is that the battery, due to generating a bit of heat, will discharge itself at a safe rate.
yet the universe is probably infinitely large, and expanding.
obvious troll is obvious