• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Can you stop with this whole false flag BS? The kid was over 400 feet away. The margin for error with a rifle at that distance, shooting for a target that small is zero. A slightly stiffer left to right wind and the bullet shatters his skull and Trump is picking bits of bone fragments out of his brain. Or if he shifts his head tenths of a second before the shooter pulls the trigger. Or if the sights were zeroed the day before.

    It’s asinine to believe that this was staged. There’s a 20 year old kid shot dead on the roof by secret service and a 50 year old bystander dead in the stands behind Trump. Trump got lucky. Just as he always fucking does. I wish that wasn’t the case, but that’s what happened and now we just need to figure out how we deal with it.

  • Nixon would have easily won reelection if not for the advent of political debates being televized. Kennedy was so charming and charismatic next to Nixon’s sweaty and brutish appearance that his poll numbers skyrocketed. I would argue that is the likely beginning of the ‘beauty contest’ as we’re claiming it. Unfortunately it’s for good reason. In global politics, charisma and physical beauty or charm plays into negotiation. Whether people like it or not, physical attraction is a guiding force in our natural selection and social psychology.

  • I mean, based on the amount of bottled water people drink im pretty sure that could be a concern for most people. I don’t drink water bottled in plastic because I think it’s wasteful and contributes to the massive amount of plastic pollution already going on, but even if we consider that the recycling process is 100% efficient, those thin, flimsy bottles are still getting heated by and exposed to sunlight. It would be naive to think they aren’t leaching plastics into the water. Just buy a cheap metal bottle and refill from the tap. That’s where all the major brands get their water from anyway.

  • I recognize that, but even if they were to still somehow navigate the economic situation, the government officials would immediately be charged with sedition and a warrant would be issued for their arrest. They wouldn’t be able to flee the country because any allied country would extradite them to the formal United States government. So the only other option would be to stay and forcefully defend their arrest. That brings in the national guard and any escalation would drive us toward a true civil war. MAYBE secession becomes so popular amongst the population that they also are willing to defend their secessionists political leaders with force, but I doubt it. Even in the event of it becoming a true civil war, the rest of the United States is absolutely massive. There’d be no way of defending against all of the avenues of attack. Air superiority would be established immediately by surrounding AFBs, mobile AA systems, and returning aircraft carriers. Naval blockade would prevent any foreign aid from reaching the West Coast. Lack of any real microchip processing plants would make the proliferation of modern arms impossible…

    I just can’t see any other outcome than those government leaders being arrested, replaced, then any secession being nullified and reversed by the newly installed government officials. Though if you are able to think of something, I’d be open to thinking of a potential rebuttal.